Chapter 2: Cyber Charge!

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           A week has passed since the Neitman family has moved to Blessington. Overall their lives in this town have gotten back to a somewhat normal. The four kids seem to spend a lot of time at the museum, but that don't worry Willy and Reita to match at least they're not out doing how knows what to who knows who. today's adventure starts here at the Neitman home where everyone is sitting at the table having breakfast. "So how is the new school kids?" Reita asks sitting a plate of waffles on the table.

"It's not too bad mom," Mekyle says gambling four waffles.

"what about work how are you guys liking that?" Ruthie asks getting herself two waffles.

"can you pass the syrup?" Angelique asks. Xander nods at her and hands it two her. They both already head two waffles each on their plates.

"It's good the telemetry unit is one of the high tech wards I have ever seen." Reita replays.

"what about you dad how is the ICU?" Xander asks. Willy Slow puts his newspaper down. "Oh look the food is ready." He says. everyone else just giggles. "what?" he asks.

"dad the foods been on the table for a few minutes now," Mekyle says taking a huge bite.

"and your kids have asked you a question," Reita adds.

"Oh sorry I was just reading the paper it's so nice to read a paper without reading about some giant monster attacking the city again," Willy replies.

"I don't know about that. I miss seeing the Ultra Rangers in action." Ruthie says.

"Ya, they were so cool," Xander adds.

"Yes Yes the Ultra Rangers were great but I don't miss the danger we were always in living in Angel Grove," Reita says. Willy nods to that and starts eating.

"wall we batter head off to school," Mekyle says finishing his food. the other three kids nod to that and grab their bags. "see you guys later love you." they say as they run out the door.

In the office of Hayley Ziktor, she sets at her desk looking at what looks to be blueprints for giant robots. when out of nowhere alarms start going off. For any normal place you would think it's a fire alarm or a burglar alarm, but in this balding, it means something completely different. Hayley quickly pushes the enter key on her keyboard and a map of the city pulls up. Justin runs into her office right at the same time. "Is it them?" He asks.

"It looks that way there is a breach in reality," Hayley responds.

"where is it I will go seal it," Justin says.

"Looks like right outside the High School," Hayley says typing on the keyboard.

"all right I am on my way. I hope no one is running late." Justin says running out of the office.

Justin's hopes were not seen for five kids were running late that day. "Mekyle I told you that was not a shortcut." Angelique snaps. "Ya Ya but we still need to pick up Izzy did we not." Mekyle snapped back.

"Yes, I really need this ride or I would not have made it at all," Izzy says. Just as Mekyle pulls the car around a corner right in front of the school a huge flash of light and a rip in space opens up.

"Bro look out!" Xander shouts. Mekyle swerves the car just in time.

"what in the world was that?" Ruthie asks.

Out of the rip walks what looks to be skeletons. the skeletons look around and start to scratch and run at the car that the kids were in. "Ok, that doesn't look so good," Mekyle says.

"what do we do?" Izzy asks.

"I don't know but you but I am not going to get attacked," Xander says jumping out of the car and getting into his fighting stance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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