The G(r)ay family

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This is a bonus part from the whole book. This happened before Rain got sick and died so Justin and Ryan weren't really in the picture.

Steven Gray and Matthew Gray are cousins and you'll get to know how they resemble as family in this bonus chapter.

I made this collaboration with MissPizzaaa , it was really fun working with you! I want to thank you for everything. You made a good piece and who knows, we'll do this more often?

The first part is made by me (Matthew). The second part is made by her (Aiden). You don't need to know who the character are from her book. You can read this if you haven't read her or mine book.

I also want to advice you to read her book. It's in Dutch (Jongensdroom) and English (Boysdream)! You'll find out more about Aiden and also a part of Steven. Go check it out, it's a great book!

Have fun and enjoy.

Matthew Gray

You'd think that today would be a normal day like it always had been, but today wasn't just a normal day, at all.

Let me take you back to when I was driving towards Rain his house so we could grab a random movie and cuddle up on the couch.

I was almost there, but somehow at the middle of the road my car suddenly stopped working and it only seemed to make these weird noises whenever I tried to turn the car back on.

And after multiple times of trying to fix whatever the hell the freaking problem was and almost knocking myself out in the progress, I decided to call my cousin

Steven Gray.

Steven and I both grew up in the same neighborhood, but after a couple of years Steven and his mom decided to move away from here. Now we live around half an hour apart from each other.

Somehow both of us were busy with stuff like work, school and our friends at the same time. We'd stay in touch and call from time to time, but that was it.

I think it's finally time to bring some change into that and maybe also because he works at a garage, but that's not the only reason!

Okay.. Maybe it was. But I do miss him.

Somehow Steven and I are pretty much alike. He has messy dark hair just like me, we were both pretty tall and well build. We both had small moles, I had a couple on my collarbone and in my neck and Steven had his own on his shoulder. The only clear difference between us were our bright eyes. His were bright green and mine were shining gray. Our eyes were complete opposites of each other.

It was quite funny though, because you could say that we were practically brothers instead of cousins. We also treated each other like we were brothers, he looked out for me and I would look after him. We were both pretty much protective when it came to our loved ones and family. It was probably a bit more extreme with Steven though. He also got more easily jealous than I ever did.

And he isn't as fucked up as me. He has a life without a bipolar depression or bipolar people in general.

I got my phone out of my pocket and called to Steven his phone.

"Matt?" I heard his surprised yet low voice.

"Hey Steven, been a while." I grinned and felt the same familiar, chill atmosphere that has always been there between us.

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