But still, you want me

281 16 133

Next to me
Imagine Dragons

Matthew Gray






Double check.

Here I was standing like that for hours, doing this same checklist over and over again in my head.

Today was my first official date with Justin and also the first date I had after months. So saying that I was nervous would be an understatement.

I'm dying from the amount of nerves that are in my body! The ground seemed to shake beneeth my feet whilst my hands were all sweaty. My body also looked pretty tense.

What if I didn't look good enough?
What if my character sucked?
What if Justin would change his mind about me?

What if? What if? What if!

God I swear my life sounds like one of those boys in these cliché gay stories on Wattpad. My story would go viral on there I bet!

But this wasn't just some simple Wattpad book, no this was real life and I have to deal with whatever was about to happen this night.

I took one last look in the mirror to see that my gray eyes were practically shining and not as dull like they used to be. My hair wasn't messy like every other day, today my dark and slightly curled strands were styled into a neat quiff. I wore a casual black muscle t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans along with green All Stars. The necklace that Rain gave me on one of our dates hung around my neck, just for the extra luck tonight.

All of the sudden the doorbell rang which made my heart stop at an instant. I knew my mom was about to walk to the door so I rushed downstairs, quickly passing her in the progress and opened the door with a huge smile that I wasn't aware of.

The moment I saw him took my breath away as the pair of green eyes were piercing themselves into mine. His golden locks were perfectly styled like usually. His light skin glistened against the moonlight. He also wore a black shirt, but with a brown leather jacket over it and a pair of dark jeans with some simple sneakers. He looked drop dead gorgeous, the only thing he needed were wings and a halo. There he was:

Justin McCall

Once we made eyecontact I felt my nerves calm down a bit. That's just how we stood there for I have no clue how long. Both of us were staring at one another, not even bothering to say something. I think this was overwhelming, new and scary for the both of us. Luckily, this silence wasn't awkward or anything in fact it was comfortable and nice.

"You.. w-wow, you have got me speechless here Matz. Every time I think that you couldn't get any more beautiful, you just prove me otherwise every single day and just like right now. You look so hella beautiful'' Justin spoke up and broke our silence.

''T-thanks, you l-look also very good yourself'' I stuttered whilst blushing at his compliment.

''Now, shall we mister Gray?'' He asked in a fancy way and offering me his arm which made me laugh as I took his arm.

''We shall'' I mimicked him and tried to keep my laughter in.

''Matt don't forget to be home at 10 PM again!'' My mom yelled from far behind me.

Wait.. Has she been spying on us?

''Will do miss Gray!'' Justin yelled before I closed my front door so she wouldn't bombard us anymore with her embarrasing talk.

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