The Girl With the Mousy hair

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Ruby was not an ugly or strikingly pretty girl. Standing at 5"4 with dirty blonde hair and dull brown eyes, she felt as if she didn't have any features that made her stand out, not that she cared anyway. She had given up the whole high school ritual of dating long ago after a brief dating stint with a girl that seemed to care about nothing but looks. She was narcissistic, bitchy and just craved drama. The relationship had only lasted about three months before Ruby had had enough. And who couldn't even forget the guy Ruby had dated freshman year who had been such a creep and seemed to go for only girls that were bisexual? They both had dates for the prom but Ruby didn't care. Prom was overrated to her and she would be spending the night watching weird obscure movies that none of her exes would have seen or even heard of.

    "hey Ruby, I have the greatest news! Wait up you're walking too fast,"

    Ruby eventually slowed down even though she could already guess what her friend Rebecca was going to say and just didn't care.

    "Ruby, Andrew Seeley just asked me to senior prom!"

    "Who the hell is that?"

    "Um only the most hottest guy in our year. He's on the football team. Go Vultures!"

    Ruby tried not to laugh at the last line. Rebecca had hated football prior to when Andrew had asked her.

    "that's great. I hope you two have a good time," Ruby tried to be excited for her friend even though again she could care less about such frivolous things.

    "Who did you ask? A really quirky but cute girl in the art club? Perhaps a handsome lean guy on the swim team?"

    "no one I'm not going,"

    "Why? Let me guess they all said no," said Rebecca with genuine sympathy for her friend.

    "No they didn't because I never asked them. I'm not going to prom because frankly it's overrated, expensive and only lasts one night so why bother spending hundreds of dollars on a stupid event that only exists in high school and doesn't define you as a person in college!" snapped Ruby feeling agitated.

    Her friend was trying hard not to cry.

    Oh shit maybe i was too harsh

    "Ok," sniffled Rebecca and walked away leaving Ruby feeling horrible.


        Ruby walked home feeling pretty down. The worst was yet to come.

        "So....i hear the senior prom is this Saturday," said her mom trying to be casual but seeming way too excited.

        "Yeah," said Ruby waiting for her waffles to be toasted.

        "Well....look at we bought!"

        It was her dad's cue to then come downstairs with a black and violet gown, shiny black heels and matching jewelry.

        "um this is so nice and all but I'm not going,"

        The atmosphere that was once pleasant had changed.

        "Of course you are," said her mom firmly.


        "Listen Ruby, your father spent good money for you to look nice. You are being rude and very ungrateful. So don't give us attitude,"

        "You didn't even ask if I was going to prom or not! I don't even have a fucking date!"

        "Go with Rebecca. I'm sure she'd appreciate going with her friend,"

        Ruby went outside, slamming the door on the way and walked as far as she could from her unreasonable parents.

        She came upon a clothing store that matched her quirky punk clothing style and walked in.

        She was browsing the leather jackets when she heard an all too familiar, velvety, British accent ask "Excuse me. Do you sell any prom dresses here?"

        Ruby whipped her head towards the source of the voice and saw her one and only idol (if she believed in idols which Ruby didn't), David Bowie. Ruby knew that his daughter was her age but she went to a different school than she did two towns over. She was so excited, butterflies were flying around not just in her stomach but throughout her whole body. But Ruby didn't want to scare him off so she pretended to casually walk toward the jewelry while listening in.

        "I'm so sorry Mr. Bowie but there are none left,"

        "Are you certain? My daughter is going with her boyfriend and she needs a dress," David seemed like he couldn't believe his luck.

        "I'll tell you what. Since you're David Fucking Bowie and I'm such a huge fan of you. I'll see if we have any dresses in the back,"

        The sales person headed to the back. Ruby took this as her cue and pretended to bump into David.

        "Oh hi, I didn't see you there I'm sorry,"

        "Don't worry dear. It was my fault I was just lost in thought,"

        "Same, my parents are forcing me to go to prom just because they bought the dress and everything. I don't even want to go,"

        "Why not?" asked David looking genuinely curious.

        "I'm not a huge fan of prom. I guess it's because I attract vain, pretentious people,"

        "You look like a beautiful girl and seem like you have an eccentric personality. I'm sure you'll find the one,"

        "Thank you," Ruby smiled.

        "I have an idea," said David after a moment.


        "Since you seem like you need a date, you have a dress, my daughters prom is one week earlier than most schools' and you're a huge fan of me. I'll be your prom date if you lend me your dress for my daughter,"



        Today was the day. Ruby was waiting at Rebecca's (they had made up) for David Bowie since her parents would disapprove of the age difference between her and her prom date.

        A silver Volvo pulled up in the driveway. David honked his horn leaning out the window holding not a huge bouquet of flowers but a stuffed bear with the words "Will you be mine?"

        Ruby walked out in the dress, heels and jewelry her parents had bought. On her wrist was a corsage David had bought for her.

        Ruby smiled and got in the front seat.

        "You look amazing, baby,"

        "same to you, luv," said David and gave her cheek a peck.

        Ruby blushed as they headed to the prom.

        They had a great time. They mingled with Rebecca and her prom date Andrew (who were voted prom king and queen) and danced the night away.

        Then during the slow dancing portion of the prom, the song Absolute Beginners came on as they danced in each other's arms.

        "Ruby can I kiss you?" asked David softly to Ruby as she caressed his hair.

        Ruby laughed gently.

        "My parents would kill me but they don't know I'm with you, so yes," whispered Ruby.

        They joined lips and kissed once, twice it felt so amazing. Soon David pulled her into an embrace and they made out.

        And the music played on and on.

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