Chapter 3: Trapped

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Finn pushed me to the back of the cabinet, sliding himself to the front. The sound of someone hitting the door to the trailer got more and more intense. Knock after knock felt like another moment closer to certain death. I hated that Finn wanted to be the one to take the brunt of the attack from whoever would find us. I reached my hand to his shoulder to pull him back, but he just grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

"Finn" I whispered with every ounce of anger I had, "Don't do this!" Something inside me twisted, it was like I was about to erupt, but had to contain myself. Imagining Finn dying was something I tried to avoid, but scenario after scenario popped into my head of seeing him lose his life. He ignored me and stayed strong. It was so sweet of him, but also so stupid.

Then I thought about how Jaeden felt, he was isolated and probably scared to hell and back. He was all alone, and I at least had Finn. I at least had someone to die with. The thought of death didn't paralyze me as I thought it might, though the thoughts consumed me like quicksand would consume a lizard in the desert looking for food. I felt myself sinking under the stress, but decided that I needed to stay strong so Finn could worry about the threat in front of us.

Another knock, this time the door cracked open. The hairs on my neck stood up, my skin crawled each time the intruder took another step. The cabinet we were trapped in lacked any light. Every few moments it was like another blanket of darkness laid over us, we were uncertain of our lives, uncertain of whether we would be able to see our parents and loved ones again.

Finn gripped my hand a little tighter. Not looking back, standing strong in the face of impending doom. I heard footsteps coming closer. Whoever it was, they were searching for us.

Then, out of nowhere, I heard Jaeden burst from his secret hiding place. He was going to attack the person who decided to intrude...he was trying to save Finn and me. Why would he give himself away like that? He was the best hidden out of the three of us. I heard footsteps, people were wrestling for a moment, before everything stopped. Finn flashed a look back at me that looked like he had just got done living through his worst nightmare.

But then, inspiration struck us from the desperate shutter we heard from outside. If this were the last time I'd see Finn alive I'm glad it was like this. It was better to see him fight than to shutter away in overbearing fear. Finn pushed the small doors open with enough force to crack the wood that once separated us from the outside world, from reality. I followed, but to our surprise, Jaeden stood there rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry," Jaeden said to the bodyguard. "It's alright, you're courageous for trying to save your friends there."

"Sorry about that boys..." the guard said. "Turns out the props department had a malfunction with their blank ammunition that goes into guns." I let out a sigh of relief leaning my head on Finn's shoulder.

"So everything Okay?" Finn asked. "There isn't an intruder trying to kill us?"

"Well, a fan got onto set, but that is unrelated to the props department incident" the guard reassured. "I came to make sure you all were okay."

I finally relaxed and had a second to notice that Jaeden's hair wasn't neatly pushed to the side like he usually kept it. His face and eyes were stained red. Was he crying? I walked up to him and hugged him he must have been deathly scared. He just stood there not able to move. I think the shock caught up with him.

"I think Andy is calling the rest of the day off. I'll be outside if you need anything." He reassured and left. He looked at the broken lock and yelled from outside, "I'll make sure this gets fixed, Finn!"

Finn looked back to him, "Thanks, John!" John, the guard, closed the door.

Then, Jaeden broke into complete tears. "Dude that was fucking insane what you just did," Finn said while pacing back and forth. "I know." He whispered.

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