Chapter 8: Gone Boy

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Through the silver fence, Finn searched for his love. He looked and wondered where Jack could be. From this angle, in the dugout, he could only see the top of Jack's head, but now it was missing.

"What're you looking at?" Wyatt asked from behind.

"Nothing...Hey, did you happen to see where Jack went?" Finn replied.

"No, no I didn't. Did he have somewhere to go?" The crowd interrupted Finn from replying. Though, this didn't distract him from his search.

Finn sat down on the bench and Wyatt followed.

"What would cause him to leave like that?" Finn wondered what he may have done. Then it hit him...he knew that it was the game. It couldn't be anything else. It must have had to do with Jack's dad.

Worry poured over Finn's face. The worst, most horrific thoughts of what he put Jack through, like reliving his past, made his skin crawl. Finn felt so bad for making Jack have to remember whatever memories that lingered in the darkest parts of his mind.

Wyatt looked away from Finn as Jaeden approached with a packet of sunflower seeds outstretched from his body, offering some to the boys. He had a crooked smile and rosy red cheeks from running around all afternoon. This was Jaeden's happy place.

"Whats up?" Jaeden said hoping to learn why Finn looked so worried.

"Jack's gone," Wyatt said after waiting a moment. Jaeden too grew worried.

"What did you do?" Jaeden said to Finn. The crooked smile was now a memory, the only thing remained was the red that seemed to consume Jaeden. "Finn. Answer me." This time a little less forgiving.

Finn looked away from where Jack once sat and revealed a stream of tears that had formed on his face. The color that once filled his face was gone and he was now just a shell of a person, fully numb from the pain which was becoming unbearable. He hurt because he hurt the person he loved.

"I think baseball reminds him of his dad. And we reopened that wound." Finn looked back at the empty space next to his mother.

"Well, you're his boyfriend, what the fuck are you doing sitting around here?" Jaeden said with a little jealousy.

"You calm dow-" Finn said but was interrupted by an angrier party

"Calm down about what, Finn? Take. care. of. him." Jaeden said without regret. He was so confident, "If you can't take care of him..." He paused, he was about to do something bad to Finn, but he held himself back, "so help me god you better hope that you can."

Anger filled Jaeden, he didn't know everything about their relationship, but he did know that he would be a better boyfriend than Finn. He knew that he would be there for Jack when he needed him most. That's why Jaeden was so pissed seeing that Finn wasn't mobilizing, trying to make sure the person they loved was okay.

Wyatt sat back in his chair, listening to the drama unfold in front of him. Gay people are so complicated. he thought.

"Okay," Finn said, standing up and leaving the gate.

"Where do you think you're going?" Chosen asked, he was the team captain, he didn't want to lose their best outfielder, but Finn walked by like no one said anything.

Finn approached his mom and noticed the empty space. Jack even took his chair. "Mom, do you know where Jack went?" Finn asked pretending to watch the game so she wouldn't notice the red under his eyes.

"He said that he was going to be busy for the rest of the day."

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

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