Ash's Secret and kaya's reaction

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   Kaya met Ash in front of the main doors to the school like she does almost everyday since they became friends but this morning something seemed off about Ash he looked like he was in a daze when kaya called out to him she called his name a few times before he finally stopped and looked at her " sorry kaya I was lost in thought" Ash said as he turned around to look at her kaya was worried about him because he had been acting weird since yesterday but she wasn't sure why or if she should ask him about why he's been acting different she wants to help him with whatever is bothering him but she thinks Ash will just brush her off like last time. Kaya looked at Ash's eyes for a moment and then decided to ask him anyways " what's wrong Ash? You've been acting weird since yesterday" Ash just looked at her not saying anything after a while he sighed and replied " its nothing really I just have a lot on my mind at the moment I'm sorry for acting different but there really isn't anything for you to worry about I'm okay" kaya didn't believe him but she didn't want to push the issue and risk him pushing her away more than he already had "okay I understand we should head to class now" she said. Kaya and Ash walked into the school they went to their lockers to get the books they needed for class Zach walked up behind kaya and gave her a hug and said " hey baby I hope your not still mad at me about yesterday and I wanted to invite you and to a costume party tonight at my place" Kaya smiled and turned around to face him " you mean it baby you not just saying that as a joke because you think Ash is weird?" Even though she was smiling as she said that her tone of voice was mean zach had to choose his words carefully because if he didn't she would bite his head off " its not a joke baby I'm serious" kaya looked at him for a moment then said " okay babe I'll talk to Ash and see if he wants to go. I got to get to class now I'll see you later" she kissed him closed her locker and then headed to class where she met Ash. Ash was in a daze again still thinking of a way to tell Kaya his secret but no matter what he came up with he felt that she would not take it well either way cuz who would ever think that the thing a friend is keeping from them is the fact that they are a vampire. Kaya grabbed Ash's arm he turned his head and smiled at her "what's with that face Kaya?" He touched her hand gently She relaxed a bit and replied "you looked like you were worried about something so I was a bit concerned That's all" he gave her a hug and then asked " is there something on your mind?" Kaya had almost forgotten until Ash asked her that " yeah there is, Zach invited us to a party tonight you wanna go?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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