AAaaAaa CERTAIN wattpaD PeoplE RANT

20 3 15

So fricking I hate the people who are like "OMg UpDAtE pLssssSSaAaAsSsSskkszowzkzwjzwozwkzkwzlzwlzwkzwkzlwlzlzwlzw" this has never happened to me which I think you all because I was gone for like 3months and no one didn't start spamming comments with "pls update pls update pls update" but when I see those in other peoples shit it's like tHey HAvE. A LiFe UnLikE yoU AnD Me oR MaYbE thEy JusT CanT thInk OF WhAt to tyPe SMH, that's enough of my whining ;'(

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