A tag,,,

14 3 2

Spoilers for Assassination classroom

La la ,, anyways I was tagged by @Rainbowgamer64

15 facts woosh

1. I had a substitute in ELA today

2. I met a friend who likes My Hero Academia finally

3. She asked me what my quirk would be and I said bubble gum

4. My nick name for her is now Bubble Girl

5. There's going to be a protest at my school tomorrow during gym, yay,

6. I need to know where to get VOL.12 and the other ones because I'm just dying to know what happens.

7. That was a reference to something that was hinted in VOL.11 by the way

8. I have a tiny little cake I'm about to eat

9. I'm very happy right now

10. I'm taking a Media productions class next year,,

11. M!Robin X Reader Ch.1 will be released soon.

12. I'm working on 2 Requests, one for My hero Academia and one for FE.

13. I'm almost done with Assassination Classroom



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15. My birthday is next month

I tag  no one unless you do want to do it, and no need to tag me if so,,

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