before you read+ Chapter 1

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This book will contain characters such as god, devil, or such like that. If this book somehow offends your religion I recommend you to leave and please no complaining about this story. This book will contain grammar and punctuation error and I'm lazy to fix it so yeah

This book takes place during the timelines when the event of the first book happened. The main character for this book will be Alex (Satan), Shiki, and Kaya

Btw the character Kaya doesn't belong to me it belongs to @Jubilee33 sorry details wrong about the character please forgive me and I will only make Kaya official just for this story she is not official in book 1 and book 2 and I love to pressure myself on writing books for the wtmtily series.
Now ahem chapter 1 begins here

Alex was recently crowned king of hell after the death of his father Lucifer. Every 10,000 years there must be a new Satan because the old Satan is growing old and slowly rotting but of course, god cannot be replaced.
Once Alex got crowned to be the new king he can feel so much power coursing through his veins. He turned around and saw everyone clapping even God and Kaya which surprised him. God smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Once the ceremony ended God wanted to see him after it. They both meet at the fountain of youth.
"Now Alex since this is the first time of you being King of Hell what would you do for you people?" God asked
"Oh.. I'm not sure about that God maybe equality?" Alex answered. "Well it's your choice Hell belongs to you now and you need to know how to take care of it" God put a small smile on his face. "Oh and by the way, before your dad died he told me to give this book to you it's about the rules of being the king of hell and how to take care of hell. This book has been passed down for generations so please take great care and make it looked new" God hands the book to Alex and Alex turned to the first page which has all the pass king of hell names written. God summoned a pen "go ahead and write your first and last name just below your father name".Alex grabbed the name and wrote his first name. Alex Diablo.
" Now the book is officially yours now please take good care of it" God then suddenly disappeared.
Kaya randomly came and pop in.
"Whacha dooooin?" Her words started Alex a bit. "Just reading this book" Alex sound boring.
"A book huh? LEMME SEE!" She swipes the book from him and flips to many pages.
"What is this book about?!" She said twirling still swiping to the next page.
"As you say so Satan!" Kaya throws the book towards his head causing him to fall back. "Oops," She said innocently.
Alex groaned while getting up and grabbed the book. "I don't even know why you're a demi-God in the first place" He muttered to himself then he yelled out "THIS BOOK IS PRECIOUS AND IT'S NOT MENT TO BE TOUCHED BY SOMEONE LIKE YOU!"
Then a dove came by with a letter for Alex.
He pulled the letter and read it.

Dear Alex Diablo
Recently a person died and they happen to be the 100th death. Each 100th death the person can choose to be either a demon or an angel. If they choose either one of them they have to go to years worth of trial training. If they do not succeed they get the opposite of what they want. Now I'll be writing about your side of the job. If the person chooses demon you go open up the portal to hell. Then you take them to your kingdom and you must ask these questions. "Do you wanna stay in hell or stay with a person?" What I mean by staying with a person is that you let them choose whatever person they want to stay with on the list this means they are stuck with the person forever. After you done that you asked them which power you want
But of course the first power will always be possession and the second will be any power they choose. After that, you set them free.
If you have any question please meet me at heavens gate after you finished reading this thank you. P. S I have sent Kaya to be your assistant
Sincerely, God

"So God sent me a trash bag like you" Alex insulted.
"HEY!" Kaya playfully punched Alex's shoulder. "But seriously now we gotta go to heaven gate to do your job and don't worry I know a way there"
Kaya grabbed Alex arm and teleport to heavens gate. They meet a soul named Yuki. Yuki wanted to be an angel. She has long messy blue hair and large blue eyes. She looks to be around 8 years old and cause of death is seem to be bleeding to death. God took her away and the heavens gate closed.

*sigh* "so Kaya why are you even my assistant in the first place?" Alex asked
"Well I'm technically a replacement because the former assistant is suffering terminal illness but it would be better with her because she worked with ever single Satan and is very experience with her job".

"Isn't her name Coral or something like that? My dad used to talk about her a lot"

"Yeah! Her name is Coral and I'm not sure she will survive her terminal illness there is a conspiracy going on that someone cursed her and took away her immortality causing her to age fast and have her terminal illness".

" Well why can't you talk to her about it you could find the answer"

"I can't because she is currently locked up now and I can't access her sorry. "

Alex patted her shoulder and said "it's alright but let's hope she does well...
We need to go back and I have to do some training on how to be the king so take me back please."

"As you want Alex" Kaya grabbed his arm and teleported back to hell.
I'm gonna leave this here and hope you enjoyed it so far!

And tell me a bit of what you think so far and yes my old account is @Mikaela_Yuichiro_

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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