Chapter 5

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3rd POV
Sitting in two chairs in front of their Grandmother was Katerina and Amelia.
Clarisse held the newspaper up to her face and on the front page in bold was the beach 'scandal' of last night with four pictures front and center.
The first two of Amelia and Josh and the other two of Katerina and Daniel.
Clarisse lowered the newspaper and sighed.
It was completely quiet until Mia spoke up timidly, "Please say something.."
"Well there is not much to say, a picture is worth a thousand words" starts Clarrisse firmly
"and you have four pictures" she finishes gazing down at the two girls in exasperation.
"I really embarrassed the family didn't I?" says Mia embarrassed and upset.
Katerina turned her gaze towards Mia and sternly said "It was not just you, I also played a part in this so don't blame yourself for my faults"

Clarisse looked between the two girls before sitting down and answering Mia, "Not to put too fine a point to it, yes, you did"

"I think you are making a wise decision to abstain from the job" Clarisse adds

Katerina stares at her Grandmother in shock but doesn't say anything as she knows her Grandmother would never be cruel without a reason.

"I suppose I won't come to the ball then" says Mia.

Clarrisse looks at her increadiouly, "Well of course you should come, You're still family. Just because you don't want to be our Princess doesn't mean we're sending you to exile"

"Your mother's planning to come. All your guest are invited. Except for your beach friends"

Sighing Clarisse states, "Now if you excuse me I must talk to Katerina before my meeting with the press in an hour to do damage control"

Mia looks at Katerina sadly and Katerina gives her a comforting look back, before they both turn to look at their Grandmother.
Mia stands up and exits the room quietly.

"Grandma I'm-"
"Katerina, what you did was very foolish and I thought you were better than that. How am I suppose to trust you to rule a country when I can't even trust you to be aware of the paparazzi."
Katerina remains eye contact and stays quiet accepting the scolding as she knows that she should've been more careful.
Clarisse took a deep breath before saying, "What I said to Mia about the ball applies to you as well, now if you excuse me I have a meeting to attend"

Katerina nods sadly before rising and gracefully making her way to the door before she stops.
Keeping her eyes towards the door she calls out one last thing to her Grandmother.
"I'm sorry.."
Kat then walks out the door.

Clarisse looks down at all the paperwork before calling out, "You can come in now."

Joseph appears from behind the wall in the dining room and makes his way to Clarisses desk.

Breathing in Joseph says, "If I may say so, that did not go very well"

"Is this the way a princess should act?" Clarisse exclaims.
"My information tells me that boy was using Mia, the kiss was mearly a device so he'd get his 15 minutes of fame" Joseph states pointing at the picture of Josh and Mia before adding on," and her friends didn't help either, Anna, Falana, Banana, Bandana, Montana"

Clarisse shakes her head, "and what about Katerina?"

"The boy she was with in that photo" Joseph startes pointing to the 3rd picture, "Is mearly a classmate of hers with whom she is friends with"

Shaking her head in disbelief Clarisse questions, "Why didn't they have enough common sense to deal with this?"

"Katernia is only 17 and Mia is only 15, but today they both acted beyond there years. They showed great respect and gracefully accepted your criticism" Joseph defends

Looking back at him stubbornly Clarisse says "You're saying that as a Queen I was too harsh on them".
Turning her chair quickly and standing up gracefully.
"I was critical of the person who could become the next ruler of my country" Clarisse says refering to Katerina, "I was critical of the princess who will be representing Genovia" she adds refering to Mia.

Joseph shakes his head gently, "I'm saying as a grandmother, you might have been too harsh on your granddaughters"

Understanding his point Clarrisse sighs gently, "Do you think she can do it" she says refering too Katerina.
"Oh, I have no doubts ma'am"
"I thought so too" said Clarisse solemnly.

Time skip

Katerina POVI sat in the library on the window seat whilst facing outside with a book full of poems in my hand

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Katerina POV
I sat in the library on the window seat whilst facing outside with a book full of poems in my hand.
Smiling softly I gazed at the beautiful garden filled with delicate flowers.
I sat quietly thinking of Mia and what may be happening at school wanting to be there for here but knowing that this is a battle that we both must fight alone.
Hearing footsteps I turn towards the door and see Grandma looking at me with a gentle smile.
"I thought I might find you here"
Nodding softly I let my eyes turn back out the window to worried to look at my disappointed grandmother.
"Katerina" she says calling my attention, "I'm not mad or disappointed in you I apologize if I made you feel that way".
Raising my head I smile at my grandmother before before, "I know you may not think I am ready or suitable to be queen after what happened but I want to prove to you that I am"
Holding her palm out quieting me Grandma intervenes "I don't doubt that you will be an amazing queen but I am saying sorry not as the Queen of Genovia but as your grandmother so please just hug me"
Giggling I wrapped my arms around her and was embraced with the warm, comforting feeling of a hug.

Pulling back Grandma says "Now what is it that you are reading?"
"Oh this?" I start, "Well..."

Time skips
I walk into the school cortyard to see Mia sitting with Jeramiah.
As I make my way over to them I hear Lana and her friends making fun of Jeramiah.
"Sunglasses girls, It's Jeramiah hair glare" said Lana
"Is one of your magic tricks your hair?" taunted Anna
Getting fed up in what I was hearing I walk over to Mia and ask for her ice-cream. She hands it to me looking confused.
"Hey Lana!" I call out
"Huh?" She asks
"You know that is such a cute cheerleading outfit, its so clean cut I just, I beat it goes with anything" I said in fake kindness
Lana smiling said, "of course it does-"
And before she can finish I smush the ice-cream onto her top.

3rd persons POV
Lana screaches, and eveyone stares and gapes and Katerina continues to smush the ice-cream into Lana.
"Kat you're such a freak!" She exclaims.
Katerina smiles along with Mia who moved to stand next to her.
"Yeah she is, but someday she might grow out of that, but you? You will never stop being a jerk" says Mia
Katerina doesn't know whether to smile at Lana getting what she deserves or to be offended that Mia called her a freak.
All of a sudden people start cheering.
"Lana got coned! Lana got coned!"
"Kat! Mia!" Lana screaches upset and humiliated
Katerina and Mia smile before waving and leaving.
"Toodles" says Mia
Giggling Katerina walks by Mia as they walk away from Lana.

"Mrs Gupton did you see what she did to me?!" Lana whines
Mrs Gupton (idk if that is right) turns around and says in fake pity, "Oh no, honey, I am sorry I was in a very important meeting." She gestures to the table before saying nonchalantly "Send it out for dry cleaning"

Hope you guys injoyed this update. I would like to sincerely apologize for how long it took me to update, I was supposed to do it straight after the previous chapter but I had some personal issues happening.
This is the second last chapter of this book the next one will be the end and then I will be starting the next one with plenty of  Nicholas and Katerina moments.
P.S is anyone else really excited for the next book? ❤

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