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"I thought he'd be healing by now." Allison sighed, staring worriedly down at Isaac with Scott "So did I."

"Is he in pain?" Allison questioned, watching Scott gasp as he took away some of Isaac's pain.

"It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain." Scott told her, walking over to where his sister slept on the chair.

"Em?" Scott lightly shook his sisters shoulder, smiling sympathetically as she woke up "Hey."

"You should go home, the stress isn't good for the baby." Scott reminded her, Emilia shook her head staring sadly over to Isaac "My son is in the hospital Scott, he's not healing. I can't leave until i know he's going to be okay."

As much as Emilia grew to hate hospitals, she didn't want to be anywhere else. Here she could watch Isaac and here she wouldn't have to deal with Derek.

"Have you heard from Derek?" Emilia sighed at the mention of her husband, leaning back in her chair shaking her head "No."

"Is everything okay with you guys?" Allison frowned, sharing a confused look with Scott as Emilia shrugged her shoulders.

To the pack, Derek and Emilia were happier than ever, seeing as they actually don't know what happy Derek looks like.

"I dont know anymore." Emilia mumbled, "I just need Isaac to be okay."


"Hey you're home." Charlie smiled as Emilia walked into the kitchen, placing her bag down on the table as she let out a sigh "How's he doing?"

Without anyone realising through their busy lives, Charlie had managed to move himself into Emilia's house. Emilia couldn't bring herself to be mad, Charlie was the most helpful person living in the house.

"The same as last night, not healing." Emilia answered, leaning against the counter tiredly as she yawned.

"Next visiting hours Blair and Mel are watching him, i'll take tomorrows." Charlie told her, Emilia looked up to him shaking her head "Before you object, being in a hospital room all day is doing nothing good for baby Hale."

"Yeah well, baby Hale isn't very happy where he is now."  Emilia reminded him, motioning to her stomach that had been kicked all morning.

Though werewolves grow into their power, Emilia knew that her son did not have the strength of a average baby.

"One more week, then he can come home!" Charlie reminded her happily, pointing to the bump "Not any earlier or any later."

Charlie looked down noticing Emilia's mood, nodding in the direction of the living room "Derek's here."

"Great." Emilia mumbled, Charlie smiled sadly as she walked to the door "I gave him a piece of my mind, now he's even more guilty."

"My hero." Emilia smiled genuinely, laughing to herself as she entered the living room.

Derek looked up as Emilia walked through the doorway, all signs of her previous happiness gone.

"Is Isaac-" Derek started, Emilia interrupted crossing her arms "Nothing's changed."

"Derek?" Emilia questioned, waiting for him to speak up for himself.

"I can't protect you." Derek admitted, Emilia frowned as Derek looked to the ground "I can't do what i need to do if I'm worrying about you guys."

As the days came closer to his son being born, Derek's fears and doubts got the better of him. Derek would be going to loosing almost everyone he loved, to gaining that family back and the fear of loosing that too constantly haunted his mind. Helping Emilia raise Isaac pushed his fears about being a father to the side, but it took him until now to realise how scared he truly was.

Take me home | Derek Hale Book 3Where stories live. Discover now