Cats And Frappes

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Introducing my glorious boys Fidel Valinhart and Jaena Franz~*

Cats and Frappes

*~Jaena's Perspective~*

I peeked into Fidel's messy room, curious as to why he hasn't been coming out since this morning. Our daily morning routine was usually him clinging onto me for at least an hour then him asking how the day before went. But today he hasn't come out of his room for at least two hours. It's beginning to worry me.

Being inside almost felt like standing before a wreckage of a hurricane. All his drawers were pulled out and clothes were spilling out. His bed was a complete mess of books, assorted wrappers, and empty cups of Starbucks frappuccinos. His shelf was tilted and his curtains were scratched. And the man himself was holding a cat who was glaring at him. "Why did I bother picking you up."

"Fidel?" I called out. His light blue eyes flicked towards my direction, surprise evident in those pools of blue. "Oh, hey Jaena!" He said, his voice increasing in volume. The cat hissed at him before scratching his face and jumped out of his grip. "Fuck you, you fucking pussy."

I almost ran to his aid until the cat rubbed itself on my leg, purring. Its fur was dark brown with black on the tips, much like Fidel's hair color. In fact, the cat had the same sharp eyes. It meowed at me and placed his paws on my leg, making me 'aaw.'

Then I remembered this was the same cat that hurt my best friend, so I quickly went over to Fidel and checked the place where the cat scratched him. Bright red was streaking his cheek as he glared at the cat.

His arms were littered with scratches. Some were deeper than others. I flinched before running around the house to find a med kit. Once I found one over the cupboard, I immediately ran back to Fidel's mess of a room and quickly began dabbing disinfectant on the scratches. He winced a tiny bit with each press. I took some gauze and gently placed them over each scratch.

Soon enough, Fidel's arms and cheek were patched up. I sighed. "How did you manage to get a cat like that?" I asked, clearly worried.

Fidel clicked his tongue. "Found the guy in front of the doorstep. He looked dirty so I decided to clean him up but then he went batshit crazy and started scratching me. Then he went to my room and wrecked the whole place," He explained, his eye twitching a bit.

"Ah, that explains why its messier than normal..." I sweatdropped and ruffled Fidel's already messy hair. "So, since we have a cat now, what should we do when Stelia and the others come home?"

Fidel clicked his tongue. "Tch, I want the cat to bite that bitch to be honest." He earned a smack upside the head. "Really, you need to control your irritation towards anything you hate."

Fidel pouted while rubbing the back of his head. He leaned on my shoulder and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. His arms wrapped around my waist carefully as he sighed. "Uh oh, here comes Mr. Clingy."

"Shut up," He closed his eyes and laid comfortably on my shoulder. If people were to see, they'd misinterpret that we were some couple. But in reality, we were just best friends who love each other platonically. At least, I do. Fidel has confessed that he loved me in a romantic way for months and I haven't given him any signs or answers if I feel the same way or not. But either way, I enjoy his company.

"Jaena." I hear him say. I looked towards his direction and was met with his soft and thin lips. This was another way to interpret his feelings for me. I didn't really mind it, surprisingly. The first time he did this, I was surprised. But since he's done this for a countless number of times, I grew comfortable with it.

His grip around my waist tightened as he pushed me down his messy bedroom floor, pinning my hands down. "Wait, Fidel-" He took my lips again, this time taking the advantage. He slid his tongue in and savored each second. I gasped in between the kiss and tried to get out of his grip, only to get his knee in between my thighs. He kneaded his knee against my lower area and I blushed.

"Meow!" The cat bit Fidel's calf, which caused him to bite my tongue. We pulled away as Fidel kicked the cat in frustration. "Fuck you! You stupid fucking feline!" Then he fixated his gaze towards me and his eyes widened. "Ah shit. Oh my god, I'm so sorry for biting your tongue, actually for harassing you in general, fuck I'm sorry."

I winced at the pain in my tongue. "It's alright, just, try to control yourself next time..." I managed to say. Though, I was quite flustered once he started kneading my area...

Fidel looked away before standing up despite the blood dripping from where the cat bit him. "I'll buy you a frappe to say sorry, alright?" He offered, helping me stand up.

I gave him an awkward smile. "Sure." Even despite what just happened, we just went out the house, bought some frappes, and acted as if nothing ever happened. Though, it still made me flustered by the thought of him pinning me down and doing that...

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