Chapter 13

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Katherine's POV

Today was the day Taylor was getting discharged from the hospital after one week of sitting in a hospital bed. I think I was more excited than him though; he seemed so out of it. It was like he was there, but his mind was somewhere else. "Hey! Are you excited to finally get out of this place?" I asked him.

"Yeah! Hospital food sucks!" He replied with a laugh. Then, he went quiet... Why was he acting so strange?"

"Taylor, what's wrong? You don't seem as happy as I thought you'd be."

"I've just been thinking a lot lately..."

"About what?"

"You... And me. And Matthew. About all the hell that I've created. I screwed up big!!" Taylor wasn't usually this sensitive especially when it came to girls. I was clueless as to what he was talking about.

"Taylor, what brought all this up? Today is supposed to be an amazing day for you!"

"I can't just go every single day seeing you and knowing that I can't have you. It hurts me to not be with you, but it hurts me to be with you. I guess I've just been thinking about this a lot... I didn't mean to drop this all on you, but I'd like some time to think without you around." Wow! Did he really just say that? Of course I was hurt, but I understood him. I nodded my head and turned away from him. My eyes were burning with tears, but I couldn't let him see me. I quickly walked out of the hospital with tears spilling down my face. I was looking at the ground; I decided to just talk a lloonngg walk! I wanted to clear my head. As I was walking, I ran into someone.

"Oh sorry!" I reached up to my eyes and wiped all the tears away. When I looked up, I saw...

Shawn's POV

"It's alright my bad! I should've watched where I was going." I said. I had my head down because I was looking at my Twiter feed. As soon as I saw this girl, I fell for her instantly. She was beautiful! "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! I'm fine." She said obviously lying.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Katherine." She said as she took a closer look at me. "Are you Shawn Mendes?" Whoa, wait! She knows me? This is normal, but she didn't 'fangirl' when she looked at me, so I assumed she had no clue who I was.

"Yeah... That's me!" I said with a smile. We stood there for a moment just looking at each other when her phone rang.

"Hello?" She said as she gave me a small smile.

~Phone Conversation~

Nash: Hey we have a problem, Taylors gone!

Katherine: "What?!

Nash: We're all at Brent's house trying to get ahold of him!

Katherine: I'm coming!!"

~End of Conversation~

She yelled into the phone. "I have to go!" She said as she took off.

"What's wrong?" I yelled to her, but she was already gone. I was about to go meet the guys at Brent's house. As I was walking along the sidewalks, I got a text from Nash.

Hey get here fast! We have an emergency!!

With my suitcases in hand, I took off in a dead sprint after a cab. I got in and had the guy drive me straight to Brent's house!

Matthew's POV

I had A LOT of planning to do! I had to make this date perfect.. I spend so much time thinking about the perfect date, and suddenly, I thought of something absolutely brilliant. A scavenger hunt! Well sort of a scavenger hunt anyway. What if I just left a bunch of notes that led her somewhere... My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door. I opened it, and Nash stood there. He brushed past me into my room. "Hey, Nash! Hi, Matt! Would you like to come in to my room? Of course." I say mimicking a conversation Nash and I could've had instead of him just barging in my room.

"Sorry, but I have to talk to you!" Nash said urgently.

"What's up, bro?" I asked confused.

"Taylor's gone... We can't find him; he hasn't come back from the hospital."

Taylor's POV

I don't know where I was going, or what I was doing. All I knew was that I had a broken heart and she was the only one who could fix it. The worst part of it all was I was the one making everything worse! I was just walking around the streets of Cali, and that's when I saw... Shawn and... Katherine? There were just staring at each other. Then, Katherine took off running in the direction of Brent's house. I just kept walking though.. I couldn't let Shawn or Katherine see me. Nash and Cameron were blowing up my phone because I was supposed to be back at Brent's three hours ago. I knew Katherine would be there with Matt, and I couldn't face that! The next thing I know, I'm walking, and soon after, it starts to rain. Suddenly, I get a call from a blocked number, so of course I answer it.

~Phone Conversation~

Taylor: Hello?

Female Voice: Oh my god, Taylor!! You won't answer anyone, but you'll answer a blocked number? Never mind that! Where the hell are you?

Taylor: Who is this?

Female Voice: Uhh... You won't like the answer..

Taylor: Katherine? Tell the guys I'll be back in about an hour. I just want some time alone.

~End of Conversations~

I hung up the phone. Of course she's pissed I hung up on her, but I told her I really just didn't want to talk to her. After about an hour of just thinking, I realize two things. One: I'm cold and wet. Two: This is insane. Why am I pushing Katherine away? Instead of pressuring her into anything, I should let Matt and her play out. When they break up, I can be the hero. It wasn't one of my best ideas, but it'll mend my broken heart a little. I walk up to Brent's front door and turn the knob. As soon as I step in the house, all eyes are on me.

"Taylor!" Most of the guys say in unison. They all looked relieved.

"Yeah! I'm back. Now, we can all relax and go to sleep." I said looking at the clock. It was almost 1 a.m., and I was tired. They all nodded their heads, and I got a glimpse of Katherine. I gave her a small smile, and she instantly looked happier. I walked up the stairs to my room and went to sleep after I dressed out of my cold, wet clothes.

Hey guys! Sorry this is a really bad chapter, but trust me! I have a plan! Don't forget about Matt's 'big' date with Katherine in the next chapter. And what's gonna happen with Katherine and Shawn. Does Taylor back off for good...? Or nah?! Does Matt have more competition? Keep reading and voting! Love you guys!!

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