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Hello ppl! This is an old stories I wrote at the BS&T era. I actually did for a friend and decided to post here for all the perv Yoongi biased kinky girls!
Yes, it's smut 'cause I live for it. Hoever this chapter doesn't have smut on, the others has. Read it on your own risk!

DISCLAIMERS: I don't mention condom on my smuts, that doesn't mean Y/N is gonna get pregnant. Okay? I totally feel like mentioning it ruins the mood of the action, plus she could have been using pills. But don't forget to use protection on your REAL sex. 💖


You always were the strong girl who runs after your goals. You were sweet and easy do deal. Basically you believed that everything could be solved with conversations and peace. Sometimes your mind would travel to another dimensions making you lost in your thoughts. More like people would be living their life and you were there at your own space living with cute creatures and sci-fi stories.

You were hired by BigHit to take care of Bangtan documents since you were too kind to people and laughed pretty easy, which for them, wasn't a good thing. Your life was basically inside their office, typing and printing documents to BTS's manager. All their contracts would be at your hands in a blink of an eye. You were pretty professional and that's what they liked the most on you.

You almost didn't meet the 7 boys, since they were always so busy on the practice room, or at the dorm. You were always so curious about them, somehow you hide your fangirl from your bosses, but they rocked every playlist of your ipod every single day.


One blessed day, you were called to your boss room while working in a contract, kinda nervous of doing something wrong you left in a hurry.

On your way running through the corridors you bumped into some of the BTS members, it was Yoongi, who glared serious at you waiting for your apologize.

-I'm so sorry!"- You bowed. Yoongi still waiting a better excuse for it.

Even more nervous now, you manage to say - "The boss is waiting for me, I didn't mean to be rude, Sorry!"- You left runing hating yourself to death.

It was Yooingi, goddamnit!

How could you bump right on your bias, and worse than that, what was that angry/bored face he had? Omg, he hates me now!

You finally arrived at your boss room and knocked.
-"Come in."- he said.

- "Hello." - You bowed.

- "Y/N, I have some extra job for you to do. It's more like a big favor. I don't see any other person I could trust this." - He pointed the chair so you could sit in front of him.

You sat, blinking your eyes, catching every word he said.

-"The BTS manager is sick, and he has to be away for some months. Nobody can know about this so I'm trusting you can do what I'm about to ask you."-

You nodded.

- "You have been now 2 years dealing with the boys documents and also with their manager, you know pretty well how it works. What I'm trying to say is, I need you to cover their Manager . You're gonna be the manager for some months, and he agreed with it."-

Wait...WHAT? You thought. I'm gonna be 24/7 with the Bangtan ? Like, seriously?OMG!

- "Sr...If you think I'm capable of doing it, I'm gonna do it with my best." - You stood up and bowed to him.

- "That's what I like on you, Y/N."

-"May I ask you one thing, sr?" - You asked worried.

- "Yes, Y/N." - He said while flipping some papers on his table.

- "What about my actual job? I have to do both, sr?"

- "I'm gonna do it. Don't worry. There's a car waiting you to take you to the dorm. Lead them to your house and pick your most needed belongings. If you need anything, use this to contact me." - He got up giving you some newest iphone model. - "This way" - He took you to the door.

There you were, thousand thoughts running through your mind. Would you even be able to do that? You felt a little desperate, but there was no other choice.

You took your jacket and bag at your office room and went downstairs meeting the boys at the corridor. You felt awkward to tell them "Hello, I'm your manager for some moths, let's work it together" then you just bowed to them. The boys bowed to you, most of them with a warm smile on their lips, but not Yoongi.
He were with sunglasses looking down while touching the wall with his back. You felt even more awkward then just passed avoiding to look at him.

-Whoa, so you bump into me and don't talk to me also. What nice new manager we have."- His sharp voice came like an arrow and crossed your nape. He finally spoke and, damn, so rude.

-"Hello, I didn't want to bother you." - You bowed to him.

- "Nahhh, don't mind him. He seems to be in a really bad mood today. You will get used to it." - The taller cute guy said giggling. -"I'm Namjoon! Nice to meet you!" - He smiled.

You felt a little bit more relaxed.
- I apologize, but I'm in a hurry now...- you were cut.

- "Seems like you're always" - Yoongi got away from the wall walking away from the boys and you.

-" really have to go, see you guys later on the dorm!" - You bowed and left in a hurry, as always.

You could hear them talking as you walked away.
-"What's wrong with you Yoongi?" - Jin said kinda uncomfortable with the situation.

You went out the building taking the car immediately.

Finally you were at the dorm already when the boys arrived. You felt a little bit nervous as the door opened and the 7 boys came inside, giggling, joking and pushing each other. Yoongi the last, walking in a lazy way and closing the door behind him.

-"Welcome back!" - You tried your best to give them a warm welcome.

- Heeeey, Y/N! Let's eat. Kookie brought good fried chicken to all of us! - Hoseok said in a hyped way.

You were all sitting on the living room couch eating and knowing better each other, as your phone rang. -" Excuse me "- You got up going away from the fuss.

-"Yes?" - It was the manager.

-"Hello, Y/N. I hope you're doing great. This is my number, if you need anything, just call me.'

-"Thank you!"

It was getting late when you realized you should tell them to sleep. Some of the boys were already sleeping on each others shoulders when you approached them.

- "It's getting late, we should go to sleep."

They wasted no time to agree with you.

-Night, Y/N. We talk more tomorrow!" - Taehyung said with a cute and sleepy smile.

The 6 boys went to their rooms, except for Yoongi, he went to his producing room, locking the door behind him.
You took all their empty plates and bottles, washed all the dishes and went to the bathroom.

You needed a shower so bad, this day was a mess. You let the water run through your hair, going down on your whole body. Feeling relaxing enough you finish your shower you realized you didn't actually bring clothes to the bathroom. Only your towel.

What on earth you were thinking? Did you just forgot you were in a house with 7 young adults?

You did.

You wrapped the towel around your body and open the door cautious. You ran your eyes through the living room and for your lucky, no one was there. The lights were off, and you went slowly to your room praying nobody comes. For a second you felt as someone was standing at the kitchen as you ran your eyes fast there.
But you saw nobody. Feeling relieved you entered your room and locked the door behind you.

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