Panther Boy

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She opened her eyes as the sun lazily drifted through the curtains. Her first thought was of the mysterious beautiful black panther she had met in the woods. When she was awake enough her dream from that night filled her head once again. In her dream she was in the woods again but this time it was night time. The panther stood in front of her and for some reason he seemed to glow against the black of the night instead of becoming a part of it he seemed to own the night instead of the night owning him. Everything about this panther, from the way he tried to stay away from her even after being commanded to come to her to the way that she could not read his thoughts clearly, was thrillingly different.  Had It really only been a day since she had seen the panther?  she had looked for the panther once he was gone. She felt an inexplicable longing to see the panther. It was a Sunday today so she had all day to be in the woods and this time she was determined she would find the panther once more.
An hour later she was back in her woods. It was always easy to get to the woods without any explanation. Her mother was always away on a shoot, usually till late at night. Her days off were scattered all around till sometimes they couldn't be found for awhile. It was amazing but Lonely but also allowed a great amount of freedom for Anna. Anna and her mother were as unalike as night and day. While her mother was tall with blond hair Anna was of regular height with ebony hair that took on hues of colour depending on the light. Today in the blinding sunlight it shone with a blue as deep as the darkness of the night right before morning takes it over. But the biggest difference in appearance was the eyes. Her mother had brilliant blue eyes, while Anna's eyes were always changing colour. Nobody knew why. Today her eyes reflected the bright green of the leaves of all the trees around her. She pondered her life with her mother as she walked. She lived a secret life that she dared not share, even with her mother. She had never pitied herself or thought her gifts a curse that she must bear because she had always thought that attitude determined which way life would go.                                                                                                     As she was thinking of all of this she sensed something that she didn't usually sense. She sensed the thoughts of something much more intelligent than a mere animal. When she raised her eyes to the place where she sensed the abnormality she saw the reason for her search. There he was as clear as day and as black as night. She was hit by the sheer beauty of this particular Panther.His fur gleamed in the daylight as if his coat owned the day just as much as it owned the night. "come" she thought to it. This time, much to her surprise, there was no resistance as he walked to her. He moved languidly towards her with not an ounce of resistance in his powerful muscles. but though his body put up no fight his mind was guarded, something she had never experienced before. This was no mere panther and she felt the need to learn more. Upon seeing the panther once more she couldn't hep but remember the second part of the  dream she'd had the night before.                                                                                                                                                                     As the panther had been walking towards her he began to change shape and when he had almost reached her all the fur he had fell off leaving behind a very attractive man only a year or two older than her. He was so handsome that it almost hurt to look at him. Anna couldn't tear her eyes away from him for a moment. For the first time in her life she felt both in pain and in ecstasy at the same time. Panther boy seemed to glow with a light that could be called no less than heavenly and the fragrance he let off was second to none. If anyone could bottle his scent they would be rich. He smelled like the forest after a spring storm with a slight spicy undertone. As she gazed at him totally enraptured she was shocked to find her own hungry look returned to her in panther boy's eyes. With that one look she knew like she had never known with Troy and Conner that she wanted him. For the first time in her life Anna wanted something so desperately that it was beyond any sound reason, her desire to have panther boy was so strong that it became an aching need throughout her being. panther boy leaned in about to kiss her when she woke up incredibly dissatisfied  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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