Chat the Worrywart

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Chat raced off into the night - still worried about Marinette's mental health.  He kept seeing Marinette on the verge of tears and his heart started racing each time.  Even if he was determined to only see her as a friend, the idea of somebody threatening her over a crush was stupid.
He was a little bothered by her having a crush as well... He shook his head to clear his mind.  Going over what Marinette had said again his heart seemed to break.  His friend Chloe...  She had told Marinette she was worthless and otherwise verbally abused her.  That was terrible, but what was even worse was Marinette's response to it.  She was "used to it."
Then there was the locker note business. Why would anyone threaten sweet Marinette? Was it because they liked her crush and didn't want her in the way? She was definitely imposing opposition in the girlfriend department.  Of course he only viewed her as a friend, he had Ladybug right? Maybe they had a crush on Marinette and didn't want to see her with anyone else? Did Marinette have a yandere on her hands?!
Chat forced himself to calm down.  He would snoop around at school the next day and try to figure this out.  With that reassurance he let his mind wander to Marinette's behavior towards him.
She had been way more comfortable around Chat than she was around Adrien.  She was always nice enough, but very blushy and stuttery.  Maybe his celebrity status made her nervous?  But then why would she be comfortable around Chat?  Maybe because of their Evillustrator experiences?  He had saved her a few times.
He made it back to the Agreste mansion carefully evading security cameras and slipping into his room.  He detransformed and waited for Plagg to pester him about Camembert.
The pestering never came.  Plagg floated over Adrien's shoulder and had a smug "I told you so" look on his face.
"See, wasn't that better than being holed up in your room?"  The kwami landed in Adrien's hair, finding his fluffy locks a comfortable resting place to roast Adrien from.
"Now I'm gonna be worrying about Marinette all the time.  I need to figure out this locker note business.  She looked so upset and nobody will get away with treating my friends that way if I can help it.  Not to mention the verbal abuse she gets from Chloe.  I knew Chloe was mean to her, but I didn't know it was that bad."
Plagg grimaced and agreed.  "The whole locker note thing is just strange.  But at least admit you liked spending time with her."
"I did.  Marinette was great company.  I'm just worried about her."
Plagg snuggled further into Adrien's hair to comfort him and promised himself he'd ask Tikki for the details at school the next day.  He was worried about Marinette.  Would it affect her behavior as Ladybug, too?  If Ladybug acted strange maybe Adrien would refocus his attention to her and not her civilian counterpart.  Plagg didn't think Adrien was that fickle, but infatuation is a strange thing.
Plagg wanted Marinette and Chat to interact more.  The two would grow closer and show the parts of themselves they wanted people to like.  Plagg knew the mystery crush was Adrien and that both Adrien and Marinette had insecurities.  Adrien didn't like all his fangirls in his real life and wanted somebody to appreciate his personality.  Marinette appreciated his personality, but she didn't see his flaws enough to build a healthy relationship.  As for Adrien, even though Chat was famous, people tended to admire Ladybug more.  He always loved when somebody appreciated Chat, rather than idolized him as Adrien.  Marinette felt clumsy and worthless as her civilian form and that Marinette could only be a great Ladybug with Tikki's magic.  Adrien also idolized Ladybug and that wouldn't create a healthy relationship either.  Plagg had to tread carefully and play the matchmaker, because he would be seriously annoyed if Nathaniel won Marinette over before Adrien pulled his head out of his butt and realized how fabulous she was for him.  (Besides Plagg secretly shipped Chloe and Nathaniel and was trying to find a surreptitious way to make that happen.)
"Just get some sleep.  You have school tomorrow and can find out more then."
"Okay, goodnight, Plagg. -- Oh and stop breaking into the Camembert stash when I'm asleep."  Adrien made face at Plagg -- Camembert was not cheap and just because Adrien had a large allowance didn't mean he wanted to spend money all the time.  Adrien kept stashes of money in some secret spots only he or Ladybug could reach.  Just in case of emergency.  Even so, Adrien did spoil Plagg with the Camembert sometimes.
Adrien climbed into bed and Plagg flew into his trashcan with a "Night, kid," both falling into slumber almost immediately.
***Author's Note***
Sorry for not updating, but I've been swamped (I should probably be doing something else right now, but oops.) with work.  Like AP Chem - my teacher has us teach ourselves with lecture note packets and we can ask him questions, but I'm just not very good at the whole teaching myself thing when it comes to REDOX reactions and hybrid orbitals and such.  So my time has basically been eaten away by that and extra curricular activities.  Also my time management sucks and I got Samus Returns for my birthday last month so...  My free time has been spent playing that when I can get away with it.
On a more positive note, have you guys seen season two?!!!!!! *Kinda spoiler but not really alert*  When I was watching the first episode of it I was all like - holy crap this is some fanfiction stuff going on here.  I've watched up to part of episode 6 (I couldn't wait and watch the French with English subtitles), but I have been rewatching the episodes with English dub whenever they're out.
This chapter is kind of a short transition thing and maybe I'll write another chapter today.  Also maybe not.  But I will try.
Thanks for reading and all the nice comments you guys have been leaving! *Flashes peace sign*

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