Chapter 2:

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I watched as the dad on the screen walked out of the room while putting something in the white trash bag.

"Where's Mommy keep the extra diapers?" He asked looking at his children.

Both Bob and Joyce started laughing. I heard Jonathan yawn from beside me and I turned to look at him for a moment before looking back at the TV.

"Hey. Cowards." The man on the TV said.

Bob and Joyce continued laughing. The phone rang and Joyce turned to look at the phone frantically. Bob told Joyce to let it go and then went back to watching TV while the phone continued to ring. I looked up at Jonathan and he kept his eyes on the TV while grabbing my hand. He started playing with my fingers.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and he looked down at me. We both gave each other a small smile before looking back at the TV. Soon the movie finished and I could hardly keep my eyes open.

"Let's get you home." Jonathan whispered while standing up.

He carried me to his room and laid me down on the bed while grabbing my stuff. Once he had all my things gathered I tried to stand up but he picked me up bridal style before I could.

"I can walk." I said in a tired voice.

"Lee. Your eyes aren't even open." Jonathan pointed out while laughing.

He walked out of his room and Joyce told him to be careful.

"I know mom. I will." Jonathan reassured her repeatedly.

Once he stepped out onto the porch I buried myself into his chest more. He put me in the passenger sit and put my bag in the backseat before going over to the driver's seat. He drove in silence while I tried to keep my eyes open.

"You can go to sleep, you know." Jonathan said.

I felt his hand on my knee and instantly relaxed.

"Are you sure?" I managed to say.

"Yeah." He reassured me.

I let my eyes close and felt his hand leave my leg. After a moment in silence I opened my mouth.

"Jonathan." I said. "You're too good to me."

He didn't respond but just put his hand on my thigh.

"I don't deserve you." I muttered, letting my head roll onto the window.

"No. I don't deserve you." He muttered, probably hoping I didn't hear him.

The car stopped and I managed to open my eyes to see my house. Jonathan stopped the car and stepped out of the car. I opened my eyes.

"Jonathan?" My mom asked stepping out of the house.

"Lee's almost asleep." Jonathan informed her as he closed the drivers door.

"I'll take her stuff." My mom said.

Soon Jonathan had the passenger side door open. Once I was in his arms I buried myself into his chest once more. He carried me into the house, my mom following with my bag.

"Can you get up the stairs?" Mom asked worriedly as she closed the front door.

"Yeah." Jonathan said, going up the stairs carefully.

He walked down the hall and entered my room quietly. I soon felt the mattress on my back.

"Jonathan." I said grabbing his hand before he could leave.

"Lee." He said sitting on the bed.

I intertwined our fingers and pulled him to lay down beside me.

"I have to get back home, Lee." Jonathan said sitting back up.

"Just for a few minutes. Please." I begged.

He hesitated a moment before laying down beside me. I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you, Jonathan." I said quietly.

He started playing with my hair and I felt my body relax, my eyes closing. Seconds later I felt him press a kiss to the top of my head.

"I have to go." He whispered.

"Please don't." I begged quietly, part of me hoping he wouldn't hear me and the other part hoping he would.

He pressed his lips to mine and got out of the bed. I hesitated a moment before letting go of his hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He said sitting on the edge of the bed.

I nodded. "Okay."

He leaned down again and started kissing me again.

"Jonathan." I said in between kisses.

He stopped kissing me and I opened my eyes.

"Bye Lee." He whispered playing with my fingers.

"Bye Jonathan." I whispered back.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and I turned my head to see my mom.

"Jonathan." She started.

He turned to look at her.

"Do I need to call your mom and ask her if it's alright if you stay here?" Mom asked.

"No. I'm good. Thank you though." Jonathan gave her a small smile.

"Okay." Mom said before leaving and closing the door behind her.

He continued to play with my fingers and eventually stood up. Our hands were forced apart and he walked to the door, walking out without looking back at me.

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