Chapter 16:

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After a month of hiding myself in my room, only leaving to go to school, I was forced to help out at the Snow Ball at the middle school by mom and Hopper. They've been hanging out a lot more, Hopper would even sneak Eleven into the house every so often. I was helping Eleven get ready for the Snow Ball tonight.

"Lee." Eleven's voice called from my bedroom doorway.

I looked away from my closet since I was trying to find my own dress to wear to see Eleven was ready.

"You look...." I started before she cut me off.

"Pretty." She finished.

I nodded. "Pretty."

I turned back to my closet and pulled out two dresses. Holding them up, I turned back to Eleven who was watching me closely.

"Which one?" I questioned looking down at the dresses.

She walked over and looked between the two of them before pointing to the blue one.

"Thanks." I smiled and hung the other one up before heading to the bathroom to change.

Once I came back out and went back into my bedroom Eleven was smiling at me.

"Pretty." She muttered.

"Come on. Mom wants to help with our makeup and hair." I said.

Eleven nodded and we both walked downstairs.

"Awe. You two look pretty." Mom said.

She gestured us over and started getting to work on our hair.

"Mom. Is this neccessary?" I asked. "It's not like I'm going to be impressing anyone."

She sighed.

"Eleven on the other hand..." I said turning to the younger girl who was staring at herself in the mirror.

Mom got to work on Eleven when Hopper walked into the house.

"Hey Hopper." I called turning to him.

"Hey. How you feeling Lee?" He questioned as he took his hat off and came into the living room even more.

I shrugged. "Better. I guess."

"Done." Mom announced.

"Pretty." Eleven said looking between the three of us.

"Very." Mom agreed.

She turned to me. "Just a little?"

"Fine." I sighed.

She got to work and a few minutes later I was ready.

"Wait. I want pictures." Mom said as she grabbed her camera off the table.

"It's Eleven's big night." I said gesturing to the little girl.

"Just one together." She suggested.

I rolled my eyes but Eleven and I took our places side by side. She took a few pictures of us together before just pictures of Eleven.

"Let's go." Hopper said leading us out the door.

After driving to the middle school I rushed in and took my place beside Nancy at the punch even though I wasn't up for it. I was helping Nancy with the punch when a slow song came on. My eyes scanned the crowd to see Dustin and Mike sitting all alone. Eleven hadn't come in yet which worried me.

"Cover me." Nancy said as she moved past me.

I watched as she walked over to Dustin and soon the two of them were dancing while girls were watching them. The song changed and I handed another kid punch. Looking up I saw all the boys dancing with someone and my smile faltered. My eyes drifted over to Jonathan to see him look up at me. I quickly looked away and started looking around at all the decorations.

"Lee." Jonathan said.

I turned my head to see Jonathan right beside me.

"No. Jonathan." I said and looked away. "You're supposed to be taking pictures."

"Lee. Look at me." He said.

I hesitantly did. As soon as our eyes met our lips connected. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away.

"No. Jonathan no." I said, tears filling my eyes.

"Lee." He said sadly.

"The walls Jonathan. The walls. Just go. Please." I muttered keeping my head down.

He hesitated a moment before eventually walking away.

"Lee?" Someone asked from beside me.

"Can you cover me?" I asked keeping my head down.

"Yeah." They said.

"Thanks." I said and quickly ran out of the gym.

I reached outside and turned the building corner before breaking down crying.

"Lee?" I heard Hopper asked.

I looked up to see him and Joyce rushing towards me.

"Are you okay?" Joyce asked worried.

I shook my head and they both pulled me into a hug, holding me up while my body shut down.

"I'm going to take her home real quick." Hopper told Joyce.

Joyce nodded and Hopper led me to his truck. We got in and the ride was silent.

"Do you want to talk about it, kid?" Hopper asked.

I shook my head and remained silent. We eventually got to my house and I jumped out of the truck and ran up to the house. When the door flung open my mom poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Lee? What are you doing home?" She asked concerned. 

I ignored her and ran up the stairs to my room. Slamming my bedroom door closed I broke down crying even harder. My legs gave out seconds later which forced me to sit. When I couldn't make anymore noise, my body just sat there shaking while more tears rolled down my face. I could hear Hopper and my mom downstairs talking.

"This is really tearing her apart." I could hear my mom say.

My mind started reeling through everything as I sat there completely tired. It went back to a year ago when the first trouble in Hawkins arised.

"It's okay. We're all human. You are too."

Jonathan's words echoed through my mind, making my heart break even more. Our first kiss ran through my mind, making anger start to rise up in me. A year in memories came flooding by. Next thing I knew I was on my feet and staring at myself in the mirror.

"It was all a lie." I muttered, eyes still fixated on my ghostly figure in the mirror staring back at me.

My eyes had bags under them from the month of hiding and my eyes were a new red shade from crying.

"It was all..." I said louder.

My breathing quickened and I let out a scream while throwing everything off my dresser onto the floor. I sank to the floor emotionless.

"A lie." I whispered.

My bedroom door flew open.

"Lee." Mom said in a heartbroken tone.

She wrapped her arms around me and I just sat there, motionless. Eventually she lifted me to my bed and pulled my blanket around me. Just then I swore something to myself.

No more



If you're still reading this I just want to thank everyone for the support and love I've gotten about this story and Human. It's just amazing.

I'm a little sad this is over because I had so much fun writing it. I hope this ending was fulfilling enough because I had no other ideas on how to end.

Anyways thank you again for reading and I'll (see?) you later.

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