Chapter 36

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My eyes were closed tightly and no matter what I did, my actions kept repeating in my head. In my heart I knew that I had killed two women but they were far from faultless. Taking children from their home to do only god knew what to them make my body shiver. It was worth it knowing my son and the young princess was safe though, I had a new part of me coming out, one that wasn't afraid to take on anyone as I may have before.

Opening my eyes and looking down at the bath I could clearly see some of the blood that was once upon my skin was now in the water but it had to be done. I wouldn't let anyone harm a child. Still I couldn't help but feel a heaviness upon me now. It's not as though I knew either of the women but knowing they had something to do with the man I once called husband seemed to cut me deeper than anything.

Redressing, for the second time that day. I made my way into the hall where Paris was patiently waiting for me. The guards had taken Meg to rest in her room that Hector was kind enough to let her stay in since she had just been attacked as well.

"Diana...You have to come and tell Hector what happened, Achilles will be there as well but I highly doubt my brother will believe anything he says." Paris says as he walks up to my side. "Do not look down upon yourself for your actions, Livitica wouldn't be alive if you hadn't been there. We are forever grateful and in debt to you."

Paris did make a fair point though we didn't know if she would be killed, shaking my head I looked to Paris who offered me his arm. Nodding I took his arm as he lead me down the hall. Releasing me from his arm the guards opened the door to the throne room where Hector sat upon his throne and there shackled before him was Achilles.

"Alec is my son...she can't keep him from me!" Achilles yelled and at this point, not to be rude but, he was beginning to sound like a broken record.

"So you send in two whores to my palace and kidnap not only your own child but mine as well?! That seems above foolish." Hector bellows as he stands and looks my way. "Not only does Diana get to see your true colors but she has to defend her child against his father. You are not the same man you once were, you have let the wars go to your head. Abandoning your own child and wife is beyond despicable!"

"You despise me because Diana didn't come with you." Achilles grinned a sly grin.

"No, I now pity you. The great Achilles now stands before me in shackles because he was foolish enough to think he was better than any other. You are not. Alec, your own son, wants nothing to do with you that is why he is not in this room with us, he refuses to see you." Hector says as he looks around the room.

"She killed two women...she should be put to death as well." Achilles laughs as he looks my way. "The once so calm, innocent and level headed Diana killed two women in cold blood."

"I had no choice, the woman hit the princess, she deemed her own fate." I tell him with a deathly cold stare and a voice so deadly the dead may even fear it.

"Yet she didn't kill you, why I have no idea but Achilles you are banished from this land. If you dare to ever try and return you will be killed at that moment by either one of my men or one of the many bounty hunters I have heard are out for your head." Hector says as he walks up to me. "You will never have to worry about him again."

That anger Achilles more than anything, using the chains to his advantage Achilles moved them so he threw the guard to the ground. Turning to come right at Hector, I pushed Hector out of the way and feeling the same fear I felt when I saw the princess and my son with that whore came forward and my training took root inside of me. Using my right fist I hit Achilles left cheek as hard as I can. He only stopped for a moment but then decided to fight back as the others fled the room.

"You turned against me, just like everyone else did." Achilles says as he circles me.

"No, you left me and your son behind. We had no where to go and Hector took us in, that is what drives you mad. The moment you found out I was with Hector you decided to try and come for me but it was already too late." I reply as he moves his hand to my head.

Its going to hit me hard and fast I think so I duck to the ground before it makes contact with me, extending my right let out I hit Achilles with as much force as I can. Screams erupted from the throne room as the others in the room continued to flee. Hector lead Livitica out of the room but Paris began to yell orders out to the guards.

Achilles no doubt heard them and once he recovered from my attack he grabbed me but my hair and pulled me right up against his chest. Leading my with full force to the balcony that was not too far away. Looking down I could see how long the fall was, my heart broke yet again, never did I imagine that Achilles would do this to me.

"You wish to see her dead Hector?! Even before she can give you and heir she would be dead right as she hit the ground." Achilles threatened Hector who didn't even seem to be in the room.

"Release her!" Paris yells and I can see him behind a few guard with bow strung and arrow ready to kill.

"You too? Don't you ever just stay with one woman?" Achilles laughed as his grip tightened.

"I could ask you the same thing." Paris seethed as his patience with Achilles was wearing thin.

"Two princes...what could you possibly see in a street whore like Diana?" Achilles said as he pulled my hair harder making me yell out in pain. "See, she isn't as strong as you believe."

Closing my eyes I try to gather my strength, I know it's inside of me, somewhere deep that I had to reach to and use before the man I once loved threw me over the balcony and killed me. So many thoughts came to my head. Meg and her kids, what would happen if I wasn't here with her? Alec, my one and only son...I couldn't just let him leave.

"Mother!" I could hear Alec call out to me at the top of his lungs.

That's when I found it, my eyes snapped open and my inner strength took over. Moving just a tad to the left, I use my elbow and hurl it into Achilles gut making his grip on my hair release and him fall backward.

"Run Alec!" I yell out to my son as I turn back to Achilles as he tries to regain his breath. "I am not weak anymore!"

Holding Achilles head it soon makes contact with my knee which makes him fall backward onto the ground. He had no idea who he was dealing with now! First abandoning his wife and our child then having the nerve to try and steal us back shook something deep inside of me.

" would kill your love?" Achilles says as he tries to stand again.

"You know nothing of love, you are too selfish for such a word. You used me...and I fell for it. Never again." I tell him as I turn around to act as though I was leaving.

Shocking him again I remember an old move from my old time called a circle kick. Knowing he was right behind me, I quickly turn and jump using the old kick and knocking him off of his feet again. Running through the group of guard Paris comes and pulls me away from Achilles. Hector walked through the guards now knowing Livitica was safe he could focus on Achilles.

"Bind him and get him out of here!" Hector demands as he comes to my side. "Diana? Can you hear me?"

Looking to Hector I nod, I didn't know if Achilles would ever return but if he did at least he knew I wouldn't be afraid to fight him. Paris went to Achilles and bound his arms tightly behind him as another guard put a blindfold around Achilles eyes.

"He will never harm you again." Hector tells me reassuringly.

"Your right Hector." I say as I look deep into Hectors eyes and then back to Achilles. "I won't let him."

Hey Guys so sorry that the update is late and honestly I may re write this chapter because I am still kind of iffy about it but I would love to hear your comments. I will update after 100 views! Hope you all enjoy!

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