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"N-No offence, but you're not right in the head of you think that-"
You start, but you stop as soon as you notice his glare.

"Do you want to finish that?"
He spits out with a bitter expression.

You convince yourself to stay quiet.

He hums, his mood suddenly changing.
"Stand up."

Dark waits for you to stand up straight.
You stumble a few times, but don't fall.

He orders with a demanding voice.
You didn't want to listen to him, but something made you follow him out of the room.

The corridor was very short and not very bright. It was almost as if the lights were purposefully dimmed to create the spooky atmosphere.

"That wasn't my idea."
The dark character in front of you tells you.
"You can blame Will."

Was he the one at the bar?

Dark doesn't answer.
Instead, he grabs your wrist and pulls you along.... harshly.

You almost trip at how hard he pulls you suddenly.

"Keep up."
Dark lets go, giving you time to inspect your wrist.

Please don't bruise, you think as you trace the painful parts with your finger.

"I said-"
His voice makes you pull both your hands over your head for protection.
"Keep up."

He grabs your arm and pulls once again.
This time you fall without enough time to stop yourself.

You hit your nose first. The ground is cement.
The rest is unimportant.

You gasp from the pain and sit up, clutching your bloody nose.
All Dark does is chuckle.

The pain spreads and the blood continues to pour down your face, onto your clothes.

"As much as this amuses me, we have somewhere to be."
Dark expects you to stand up.
You hesitate, but realise that not listening to him is much dangerous, so you stand up.

"Don't expect me to be sorry."
He comments, continuing to lead you somewhere else.

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