Chapter Four

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP." I suddenly woke up from the annoying sound of my alarm. I rub my eye balls to wake me up. I felt exhausted. I went to the bathroom to take a shower so it would wake me up. I turn the switch to on. I take off my boxers, because that's all I sleep in. I jump in. The water is extremely warm. I can even see the steam from the hotness. I squirt some shampoo in my hand, and start to rub it in my hair. I scrub it for about three minutes. After that, I put on my body wash. I scrubbed everywhere before I washed it all out. It felt so amazing, I didn't want to get out. I just wanted to stay in the shower because I felt so relaxed. I just stood there for about ten minutes before I got up. I had to hurry because I didn't want Veronica or Jase to leave me. I hurried up and put on some pants, and a black v-neck. I also put on my black and gray Vans. I rushed downstairs to get something to eat, because they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I grabbed a banana and ate it quickly. I threw away the peelings in the trash can.

I walked out the door, and locked the door with my personal key my mom gave me. I started to go to the stop sign down the street to where Veronica and Jase were supposed to meet me. I looked over there and all I saw was Jase. Man did he look cute. He was wearing shorts light brown shorts with a tight bright yellow shirt. I felt like I could drool by just looking at him. "Hey, I have some news to tell you!" Jase said. I was kind of scared what he had to tell me. I took a deep breath. "What is it, and where's Veronica?" I said. "That's what I had to tell you about, she was vomiting all night and so she's not going to school today, I guess it'll just be us." He said. I was kind if happy that it was just us, not that I was happy about Veronica puking. more time to spend with him and get to know him.

"So, where did you use to live?" He asked. "Um, I used to live in this shit hole called WaverlyTown."

"I'm going to take a guess and say you didn't like it." He said as he smiled at me. His smile was so flawless. His teeth were pearl white and straight. I felt a blush coming on my face. "Yeah, not really, good guess though." I teased.

"Do you like it here so far?" Jase said. "Actually, I do." I said. The reason is that I met two friends and I've never really had friends. People never really noticed me or talked to me. I liked the idea of having friends. It made me feel less alone. I mean, I never liked feeling alone, I just never had a choice. It became a life style for me.

"Well, I'm glad you like it here. I know I don't really know you all that well, but I hope you don't end up moving again. You seem pretty cool." Jase said. It made me feel all warm inside and I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. I never felt that before. "I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon. You won't have to worry about that."

"Good" he said smiling and nudging me on the shoulder. I don't know what it is about him, but I just feel something about him. He's so charming and cute.

We finally got to school, luckily my locker is by his. We get to walk to all our classes together and everything. We grab our stuff that we need for the first three periods, before lunch. We walked to our first period which was math. I've never really been good at math. I was always the kid with one of the lowest grades. I sat down in the back of the class. "Hey, come up here by me. You don't need to be back there like a loner. You have me." Jase said. I grabbed all my stuff and got in the front with him. We started to do all kinds of math problems, that I didn't really understand.


The first three periods went by fast. Me and Jase walked to lunch together, and went to go get lunch. They had some undercooked chicken patties and fries that didn't really look like fries. It was kind of disgusting. Why would a school let kids eat that stuff? I saw a salad bar. I grabbed a tray. I put lettuce and some tomatoes on my salad, I also added some cheese. Who would eat salad without cheese right? I then grabbed some grapes and pineapples. That was the only stuff that looked actually decent to eat.

Jase and I went and sat at a table with a lot of people. I was kind of nervous. "Hey, who's this Jase your boyfriend?" A girl said jokingly. "Oh shut up Bailey, not every guy I hangout with I date." Jase responded. "Mhm, I'm sure you don't Jaseypooh." Bailey said. "Everyone, this is Sammi, he's new here." Jase said. Everyone started to tell me hey and asked me a lot of questions. They all seemed so nice. It felt pretty good to actually have people talk to me. I ate all my stuff and I got up and walked to the trash can and threw it away.

The rest of the day went flying by so fast. It was amazing. I wanted to hurry up and get home so I could just relax. I walked outside and saw Jase standing there. "Hey, come on let's go." He yelled. I walked up to him. "Lets go then." I said. "Hey, I got a question. Do you want to hangout today?" He asked. I could fell my face blush. I was happy that people actually wanted to hangout with me. "Sure" I responded.

We walked into my house, we ran upstairs to my room and I slammed my door and jumped on my bed. "Hey! watch what your doing up there!" My mom yelled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." She ran up the stairs and she had a plate of cookies and two glasses of milk up to my room. "Thanks, Mrs. Lancaster" Jase said. "Yeah thanks mom, I really appreciate it." She ran and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She whispered in my ear, "I'm so glad you made friends, I'm really proud of you son." It felt good to know that my mom was proud of me for once. "We'll I'm going to go now, have fun kids, if you need anything just yell for me." My mom said.

"Hey, you like video games too? That's awesome." He said. He went through all of my video games and held up my "Call of Duty" game. "Dude, we HAVE to play this right now." He said. I put it in my PS3. We played it for about an hour. "Woah, that was a good game. You are pretty good at it." I said. "Yeah. I have the game. I used to play it all the time." He said. I turned it off and I put my hands where I was leaning up on them. He put his hand on top of him. I felt my face turn so red. I didn't know what to do. I was freaking out inside my head. I suddenly took my hand away from his. I could hear my heart pounding through my ears. "Oh, I'm sorry. I got to go.." Jase said. He rushed out of my room and I could hear the door slam.

Damn it, I always mess stuff up. I had a chance and I fucked it up. BIG time.

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