Chapter 7: The Fall

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I open my eyes to Carlos. He is sound asleep on the couch that's in my infirmary room. His elbow is placed on the armrest and his head is resting on his hand. I smile at his peaceful state.

"He hasn't left this room since you got here" Evie walks into the room. "He literally showered in the infirmary bathroom". She sits on the couch next to Carlos carefully so he doesn't wake up.

"Where's Ben?" I ask surprised that his not here. "He said he'd be here when I woke up"

"He sat by your side and just stared at you for over an hour but..." she stops and I raise an eyebrow urging her to continue, "his parents are back early. He had to go to his dorm rooms , but he said he'd be back as soon as possible"

Well, crap.

"How are you feeling?" She changes the subject quickly.

"I'm fine" I sit up, "a little sore, but ultimately okay".

"Jay should be here soon with food" she smiles, "what do you feel like having?"

I feel a sudden need to throw up in the back of my throat when she mentions food.

"Right now?" I swallow hoping to buy some time, "that bucket".

She hands the bucket to me quickly and just in time, and then hands me a napkin when I'm done. A nurse come in and takes my temperature. "102.4" she gives me a warm smile, "it's going down".

"I'll be back in an hour to check it again" she grabs the barf bucket and starts walking out, "if your temperature gets to 99.0 you'll be out of here tomorrow morning".

"Thank you" Evie says nicely as the nurse leaves the room.

"Any new posts?" I grin sarcastically.

"There's a picture of Jay carrying you in here, one of Ben and the arm sling, and then one of Ben's parents arriving" she doesn't even have to look at her phone.

"Who do you think it is?" I ask her out of curiosity.

"I think we all have the same person in mind" I roll my eyes at her response.

"Audrey?" I ask but I already know the answer is yes. "I guess it makes sense, but really?"

"It's not me" Audrey walks into the room, "not anymore anyways". Her heels click on the linoleum floor as she walk to the end of the bed. "I started the posts, but a few days ago I was hacked"

"YOU LITTLE B-" I start to get up, but a dizzy spill hits me and I fall back into the bed.

"You need to leave" Evie threatens her with her head held up high, "now."

"I'll take it from here ladies" Fairy Godmother steps into the room. "Audrey" she calls her out into the hallway.

"I really am sorry Mal" she says before leaving, "I never meant for it to go this far".

Evie gives her the death glare until she has completely disappears from our view.

"E" she turns to look at me again, "I think I'm going to sleep this dizziness off"

"I'll go get you some water for when you wake up" she leaves as well and I join Carlos in a deep sleep.

I'm alone when I wake up. No headache, no dizziness, no need to throw up. I can't believe I'm still tired when all I've done is sleep.

"You two are sixteen years old" Beast's voice roars from the hall, "for all we know that poor girl could be pregnant".

"She's not, okay" Ben responds, "We were careful I promise"

"You know how important it is to maintain a good profile" Beast roars again, "not everyone in the kingdom agrees with you taking the throne, and scandals like these aren't going to help your case"

My heart sinks into my stomach. All I have done is hurt Ben. Whenever we're together he always ends up in trouble. I can't keep hurting him like this.

"Who cares what they all think?" He doesn't mean it. He knows how important it is for people to like him.

"This is serious Benjamin" Belle's voice comes from the other side of the closed door.

"You think I don't know that" he fights back, "I could have lost her today mom. She's the love of my life, and I know you're going to say we're too young to know that for sure, but I love her. I really do love her, and nothing you say is going to make me leave her. I'm staying with her, forever".

The doorknob wiggles and I quickly pretend to be sleeping. He paces for a while before grabbing my hands and planting a kiss on it. "I love you Mal, did I mention that?".

It takes everything I have to not turn around and tell him that I love him. As long as he's with me, he'll never get the kingdom's approval. As long as he's with me, he's in danger. As long as he's with me, he can't be king. I hold in my sobs as tears spill from my closed eyes. I know what I have to do.

"Hey" Ben says cheerfully as I get ready to leave the infirmary. My temperature is finally at 98.8 and I haven't thrown up in more than 12 hours which means I get to go back to my room and back to classes. I should be happy, but I'm not.

"Hey" I say with a dry voice.

"Audrey's off the cheerleading squad until further notice" he tries to cheer me up.

"I heard" I turn my back on him.

"I'm so glad your okay" he wraps his good arm around my waist and I instantly push him away.

"That great" I say and he looks at me confused.

"What's going on Mal?" he asks "you're acting really strange".

I take in a deep breath and count to 10. I hate doing this. I hate it so much, but it has to be done. It's what's best for everyone.

"Look Ben" I start seriously, "I love the time we have spent together, and you showed me what it's like to be good, but you have an entire kingdom to rule and I have a long journey ahead of me. It might take years for me to balance out my powers, and what you need right now is stability. And I am not stable"

His face goes from confused to sad to distraught and I can't watch any longer. "So what are you saying?".

"We just can't be together" I lie before taking off his letterman jacket and handing it back to him. "Goodbye Ben" I give him a soft kiss on the cheek and leave him standing there shocked.

I walk back to my room alone hoping to run straight into Evie's arms, but when I open the door she's not there. Carlos in sitting on Evie's bed staring at the computer.

"Hey you're finally out" he closes the computer and stands up. "Where's Ben?"

I ignore his question and instead ask one of my own. "Where's Evie?" My voice cracks.

"She's helping Doug out with something" he explains and I turn my back to him hoping that he doesn't notice I'm holding back tears, "Mal what's wrong?". He knows.

"I think I just broke up with Ben" I turn around and can't hold it in any longer. I break out crying uncontrollably. I feel my knees weaken like the world has just been ripped from beneath my feet

Instead of saying anything, Carlos just takes me into a hug and I burry my face in his shoulder.

"It's going to be okay" he strokes my back softly, "We're all here for you. Even though we might not always be here literally, we're always here for you whenever you need us".

This hurts. I can literally feel pain in my chest. I didn't know what love felt like, but Ben taught me, and now I think I am learning what a broken heart feels like.

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