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"And that's why I had to drag you boys along with me" Dick finishes his "I don't want to be the one to explain to Bruce why 3 of his Son's are dead and there's no manor too" speech as they pulled up outside the Blüdhaven police station and jumps out of the car.
"Anyone wanna stretch their legs, if so do it now" And with that Dick leaves the car behind him and walks towards the station, Damian quickly follows as Jason and just sit in the car.

Damian spots the bloody hand prints on the door and alerts Dick.

Dick's witty response comes out in a flat, emotionless tone. "You can head back to the car you know?" He walks into the station and Damian follows.

"Dick! You're here, Finally! She's over there" The commissioner points to the small girl sitting alone, staring at the floor, swinging her feet back and forth slightly. "Hey, kid! He's here"

She looks up and stares at Dick with sadness set in her emerald eye's. She gets up and runs over to him.

"Dick!" She wraps Dick in a tight hug from the side and ducks her head into waist. Dick instantly responds by crouching down and hugging back. Damian just stands there unfazed by what's going on and sits down in one of the empty seats. He notices her tattered and torn bag on the floor, next to the chair she was sitting in.

Dick peels her off and wipes a few stray tears that managed to sneak out. He gently strokes her bandaged cheek and locks eyes with her.

"What's your name, sweet heart?" Dick asks quietly and softly so only she could here.

"June" She responds wiping a few tears away herself.

"Do you have a last name, June?" June shakes her head and looks down at the floor.
Dick stands back up and walks over to the commissioner. June sits back down whipping Hazel brown hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear. She watches Dick closely as he speaks with the commissioner, they turn to face Damian.

"Keep an eye on her" With that, both men disappeared into the next room. Cue Tim and Jason.

In the next room:

The commissioner closes the door behind them and turns to face Dick.

"So what do you know on her?" Dick asks instantly, leaning on the desk behind him.

"She's 10 years old, doesn't attended school, an abuse victim who could have quite easily bled to death, she claims her Dad's Zuko, we got nothin' on her Mum, and doesn't know her address" Kendrole runs a hand through the short grey hair that lay on his scalp.

"Well you can add her name to that list. June, she doesn't know her last name"

"Helpful" The commissioner says sarcastically.

The waiting room:

Jason and Tim sit next to Damian and stare over at the girl. Her emerald orbs locked on the door Dick went through, legs swinging, hands locked in place between her knees, her back hunched slightly.

"So who's the kid?" Jason asks in his usual tone but hushed so she couldn't hear. Damian shrugs his shoulders in response as Dick comes back into the waiting room.
All eyes lock on him as continues a quiet conversation with his employer. The hiss of "s"s being the noticeable sound for wait seems like hours. The commissioner walks back into the next room, Dick peers over his shoulder to see Jason and Tim now here, both giving questioning looks.

Damian however, had his eyes locked on the floor, lost in thought. Dicks eye's drifted to June, she stares straight back as if waiting for something to happen. The commissioner walks back into the room with a stack of papers.
The boys lock eye in confusion, their heads shoot from June to Dick, June to Dick, June to Dick.

"Grayson can't be serious, can he?" Damian's question is quickly answered as Dick starts scribbling on the paper. June rests her hands on her knees and looks toward the boys, now noticing the gauze on her right hand and the bandage on her left cheek. A bruise was started to form on her right cheek, just below her eye.
Tim stood and walks over to June while Jason goes to Dick, sparking conversation.

Tim takes a seat next to June and places a hand on her shoulder, she instantly tenses and knocks the hand away, faster then visibly possible. She turns to Tim sitting there, rubbing his slightly with and apologetic smile plastered on his face.
The thick hair flowing down her back ruffling every time movement is made, the end of her hair resting on the chair. She hugs herself and looks away, not wanting to see anymore.

Dick, Jason, and the commissioner finish their conversation and peer over at Tim, June, and Damian. Jason moves for the door and gestures Damian to fallow, the commissioner leaves and Dick walks over to June and Tim. Her grabs Junes bag getting her attention, Dick holds out his hand and she just stares teary eyed, unsure of what to do.
Dick gives a glance to Tim, he gets up and gos to the car.

After the door closes behind Tim, Dick turns to June and kneels down, bringing his baby blue eyes to be level with her emerald green ones. He takes hold of her shoulders and brings her into a near bone crushing hug, she quickly returns it, wrapping her arms around his neck, while holding back tears that threatened to cascade from her eyes.

Moments pass and Dick starts to hear soft breaths escape June's mouth next to his ear. One small tilt and he can see she's fallen asleep, her eyes shut softly, her hair covering her face, her arms still latched around his neck, tightening her grip ever so slightly as she burrows her face into the side of Dick's neck, a soft satisfied sound escapes her mouth as the warmth grows.
Dick scoops her up, minding her wounds and hair as to not wake her. He carries her to the car and sits in the back seat next Jason, he unlatches himself from Junes clutch and buckles her up, Jason helping slightly by holding her in place as Dick buckles the seatbelt. After the door closes, Jason let's June rest her head on his arm. Small snoring sounds emanate from her as she snuggles closer to Jason, eyes turn to her as the 5 of them pull up at a red light, even Damian looks back slightly.

The drive to Gotham is filled with silent snoring as Tim joins in with sleeping, resting himself on Jason.
Jason's fingers playing with the somewhat endless strands of brown hair, flowing down onto the seat most of June's weight was on. With his attention slipping and his mind wandering, Jason starts braiding June's hair, making sure to not tug to hard as to wake her.
His peaceful braiding becomes interrupted when Damian snickers while looking the side mirror to.

"Where'd you learn to braid, Todd?" Damian scoffs and Dick turns his head to see a rather pissed Jason braiding a little girls hair, he smiles slightly focusing back on the road.

I couldn't help but put Jason braiding. After all, big tough guy, braiding the hair of a sleeping 10 year old girl.
It's just so fuckin' cute.
Until next time.

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