1.A day

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Blood-red sundown marked the finish of that day and was the sign of coming end of everything:hopes,anticipation,future.

It covered the larger part of the sky and could be observed well from the hill which was situated near the lake.I often come here to think about my life,to ponder of everything,in attempt of finding out if there is a scope of my fantasies and how strong a human being in confront with a host of obstacles and constraint is; just to calm down and convince myself of the point that i could keep myself together during one more day .And to get humiliated with the fact that i must leave this hill:a soothing and comfortable place of mine, leave to discover the undiscovered,to find an outlet if it exists. But if only you knew the reason for being here alone and morbid...It'll better to tell you,though recalling it makes me feel futile and anxious at heart.All the flashbacks have rushed through my mind,and here it is -the hurt has become even stronger;my hands shuddering...There is no our city anymore.No motherland at all.It disappeared after soldiers had come back and a dilapidated desolated area was left behind by the people,eradicating life.I wondered to whom all they obeyed and how precious,tremendous should be a reward so that it could satisfy the needs of that band,that sank in the pit of sins,not knowing that the only outcome of all these destroying actions is death...and void.Not only does the state of war opress the flesh,which takes the bullits and granates,but also mind.And spirit.Though my state is even worse than that of my enemies.I have concsience and it ate away at me from the inside, and i feel supressed for not having saved me and my parents....I had seen them just once before they lost.

I was looking into the city:the tops of skyscrapers were visible through thick fog.It seemed to absorb things on its way,eat up what was below the hill and left the highest objects.Though,it must be just smog which had appeared because of shots and big distructions.The moment i thought about it a building collapsed.Formidable and magnificent, it transformed into a pile of material.How fast do things change!

There was a couple of dead people which had laid around the city for enough time not only to decompose but also to get used to them.Having become just things,inanimate and thoughless,they turned calm and silent.I am convinced that all the people in the world once desired to have comrades who possessed these qualities.

""Well,be careful about your wishes."-I murmured,while my lips made something like a sad smile.The others were safed,and to tell the truth,the decision of staying here and waiting for my fate wasn't a simple one,but as the idea of it had come to my mind i automatically exclaimed that i wanted to be one who stayed voluntarily.Who knew what force had come over me.Maybe it was shock of the announcement of authorities itself that we must be evacuated without delay and the first who went were women and children,maybe it was my vain that enquired another portion of fame that had me make this step.I even dont deny some effect of my stupidity.

"There will simply no room for the whole people."-I had thought.

"I should have time to do something good for environment until i am alive!"-i had thought.

The day wasnt long and after eating a dish of grilled chicken,that i had taken from the nearest shop,i threw myself on a kind of a divan made from old coverings and carpet.I wish i had more time and braveness to go farther and find something more comfortable for a temporary accomodation.In several minutes i felt my body start to get relaxed and slowly got deep into the arms of Morpheus.

"Toom,you cant do it,dont be a hero damn boy!-"a familiar voice sounded in my head.

"You are going to send yourself to your death. "-my brother uttered and turn his heel around and stand like being cursed,waiting for something or someone to come.I could somehow feel the change in his face:a moment ago i heard a shrill and now- he was absolutely calm,like the man had accepted the thing that was going to happen.In no time a bright flash absorbed him and a blast wave was coming over me and i tried to run ,but felt unbearable hurt that suddenly pierced me...

I woke up at midnight and gasped.So difficult it was to breathe that i thought of pnevmonia or something about my lungs,but having seen the hands shuddering,i gave up the idea.It has often happened to me lately that i had hysterics i couldnt hold back.You feel like being a schizophrenic who has another attack.I rubbed my lids with palms and felt my heartbeat getting back to normal.And i pondered.I pondered a lot.The whole night was left for me to think.I reflected on my dream and life,and different trifles.I was observing the sky,clear and dark-red and wondered how we can mention a catastroph if it was still beautiful and didnt have any appearance of the coming end of life,except for its redish hue,which seemed unusual,but so spectacular and amazing.There indisputably must be something animate much higher,maybe not in this Milky way,but farther,in the area that even a contemporary man hasnt discovered yet.It seemed to me i could see a number of faces watching over there.Maybe they were souls of long-forgotten by their relatives dead bodies,who knows?Am i going to be among them or is there just abyss,emptiness in the sky?

"Too many questions!"-sliped through my mind.I have lost all my nerves in attemp to fall asleep but all in vain:i felt despair and longly.I hadnt been ready to stay alone to the rest of my days or, what is more bloodcurdling, to die...

The morning came so abruptly.I had felt a few drops fell onto my face and opened my eyes.It was going to rain and since i hadnt prepared for this case ,i should hide somewhere in the city,where it was secure and dry.

"What am i talking about?-I thought.-It is nowhere where i can be safe"before I demanded to the full,as it started to pour.

"Its your revenge for complaining"-i grinned and started off to the most gentle slope of the hill.I straightened myself out, stood for a moment and went down.Having ran some hundreds of metres I shortly stopped,not willing to take breath anymore.Well,if you make a sportsman be still for several days,he will become a weaker runner,so I am not even a sportsman,and not even good at it.I doubled over and rested my hands on the knees,gasping. Recovering, i had raised my head and a suprized sigh came out of my mouth,since I could observe the city closer,and I realized the extent of disruption.I was going deeper and deeper,getting closer to the very centre of a horrible place.There was wreckage and stones of what we had called buildings some time ago.Looking up,i saw light somewhere high in a chamber of a block-of-flats,a bulb blinked irritatingly,lightening the room,which enclosed two tatterd arm-chairs of puce colour with faded covering on them, wallpapers torn to rips in some places and soiled with a liquid of some currant hint.

"It might be blood"I thought,screwing up my face.My eyes fell on the road:there was a living creature somewhere far.The Closer i came to it the clear i could see it wiggling and hear the whine. There were many types of cries in my life: one of despair and offence,another meant delight and joy,but yet that yell wasnt such that i had been used to know before.The scream of fear and death came from afar,and had my blood run cold, i kept on my trotting,out of inquisitiveness,and i was still cautious more than ever.It proved to be a woman,lying under a bunch of metal.She was in her early fifties.Pitch black hair partly cover her oval face,faintly stoutness was her special feature and wasn't inappropriate whatsoever.Only wrinkles which had sprouted up her eyes and her neck evinced the age.

Lying under a pile of metal,she whined out of unbearable hurt that pierced her whole body and wasn't able to make a move.Though it was raining I felt like she had tears rolling down her cheeks;her sighs became more rare ,what sounded the death knell.

-Dont die!Hold it!-I made a pause,took my head down and waited for a moment.She didn't response.

-Don't...-I shortly stopped.There was no need to wait anymore.

I didnt notice the moment when my knees started shuddering and i began getting tears in my eyes.It was just that point when you could't hold the nerves that always wanted to show themselves.I was going to curse the world,to say to hell with it,despite my modesty and mannerliness.Why did it happen that i had come just to see this?It was absolutely different from those corpses which i had seen before.They were just bodies without life inside.There was no sympathy for them or heartbreaking heart in the soul.But here ...I took a debris and threw it with a cry into the window of a shop next to me .I was blood and thunder at the moment.Later on,i took a seat right on the sidewalk which glittered of rain and,having closed my face with hands,I began to weep,trying not to make loud noises,as if somebody could hear me...
Dear readers,please,vote for my story if it's ok,and leave your comments if you find a mistake!Remember,that by informing me about errors,you help to make a better story)Love,your Dark_screed_🙃The continuation is almost finished)

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