3.An epic scene

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Those were the feelings of unclearness and some astonishment that I had the moment I came round.It was dusk.I found myself lying on the pavement;my clothes wet;findings  about.It seemed like everything was so realistic and the fact that this moisture appeared right after I had fallen down through rainy clouds,and  the whole dream which came up in my head again and again.
I found strenghs to get up and feeling dizziness stood for a while to regain consciousness completely.The sky was dark,however,and it meant I needed a lodge to sleep over.But my stomach was distracting me,and having pludged my strenthes,I looked around in the hope of finding any groceries or a cafe,or...It didn't matter for I was actually starving and thirsty after the imaginary questioning.The district disenchanted me since the sole place to purchase was equipped with the windows of iron lattice.So I trailed to the centre where cheep bars were compulsory for a wave of tourists to pop over to have a snack and relax awhile.On my way I had the only unbearable question:what's on earth was I under?I  couldn't believe the situation I had had was true and moved my hand across  my face to find a few drops and smear them across my peeling cheek zone. Yeah,real men dont cry at all,but it was a torment...Being here was more then any physical torture I had ever got over myself or imagined and seen in the films.Loosing your family,becoming a lonely wanderer and having many things as a new experience is painful.Like,for example,how many times have you broken into strangers' flats or have you buried anybody before?It all in combination with hunger acted on my nerves.And another thing that set me apart from the others was having a strange wickness inside.When a man insults another one,the latter becomes angry.When someone is being humiliated,he resists...But not me.And this feature frightened,it was the last drop in the ocean of patience.I turned round short and headed off back to the place where I started my way,not looking around,knowing that the deserted districts surrounding me through my whole life weren't what I was looking for.I longed for something else...or someone.I squeezed my fists and went on;tears dried on my cheek.Everything seemed so unwanted,unnessecary,and in a moment I felt my eyelids turning heavy and at that moment it wasn't a question of matter where should my lodge be.There was a long thick fabrics under the shed in the distance and it was sufficient then.I landed onto the material and wrapped myself around.There were no thoughts coming.My head empty. A sweet feeling of relaxation rushed through my body and in a few minutes I fell asleep.
Later on,I heard a cry ,another one followed and through some smoke in the air it was impossible to make out the source of the sounds.Suddenly I got the point:It was a call.And someone was persistently trying to deflect me from my lovely dream. I hesitated to ensure that the words were real.Then a yell made me  get up with a stroke and I did it so abruptly and unexpectedly that everything went dark.Shortly,I came round.There was a dog sitting in front of me with its tongue out.It was fuzzy and nasty and had a grey-brown hair with blood spots and it was breathing fast.We stared at each other for a moment.Then that voice appeared once more.Thin and loud,It was the same that i heard in my dream but more calm and quiet.I guess,it belonged to a girl.It was the right assumption.In a moment a young lady of 18 year old appeared.She had a beautiful oval face with mild features,long blond curly hair and a stunning smile.Her motions were fluent and gracious and the girl looked like a princess.But princesses don't play with ripped animals...She was laughing,having fun and the whole street was filled with this laughter.She looked at me at last and i saw something bewitching in those blue eyes.I stood tied and looked,not willing to stare enough.The unknown girl made me follow her with a gesture of her arm and I obeyed,dragging with my legs as weak as water.Little did i understood.
Our walk lasted for about a half an hour and the city was already behind,but i still could not get it.I could see a bridge in front and a river with a fast current and rocks in it...and golden hair blowing off.The girl seemed to be a ghost which flew without her nude feet touching the ground.After seeing that I somehow found strenghs to stop myself halfway.The girl turned  and glimpsed at me in surprise.
-Talk to me.-I said softly  in a hoarse voice.She only gazed and suddenly smiled,then came up closer and waited still looking at me.Then another several steps were made,and she stood so close to me that I bet I could've felt her breath alive on my skin.But I wasn't willing,since there was no in- or ex-hales .The scene was epic,i could help but touch her face and move my hand.She bended her head and closed her eyes..But it was not real,or i would say-not completely. Though she made something resonate within me.Her body started shimmering as i took the hand off.She came nearer(How could this be any closer?) and kissed me all of a sudden,which made the scene especially epic. However,i felt nothing on my lips:it must have been an illusion.But the emotions that came over me were so extraordinary,unfamiliar,i'd say.My first kiss...My first romance...Though it was unreal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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