Chapter 3

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I ride to school on my skateboard. James is sick which sucks because I have music today and for the past few day neither Jackie or Alex will talk to me and I don't know why. Maybe I said something that made them hate me. I walk into the school. "Loser." "Fugly." "Trash." "Fatty." "Goth." "Weirdo." "Bitch." "dumbass." say a bunch of random people say as I head toward where my locker is. I plug my earphones in and blast music into my ears. I walk down the corridor, only hearing Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater by Never shout never. When I reach Home group I am told to take out my earphones. I do and sit were I always sit now. "Students we have a new student. His name is Jeb Garamous." I look around and see the only spear seat is next to me. I see Jeb smirk. I shrivle up in the inside. Help! after Home group I practically run to music. I sit down and sigh. I enjoy every bit of music today which is a difference.

I walk to my Art class. "Miss Quail, um I believe we have a new student called Jeb." I say. "Yes we do why?" She asks as she goes through a pile of mixed colored paper. "Well um he used to bully me back in America.' I say while cracking myy knuckles. "Ok I'll make sure he stays away from you." Miss Quail says. "Thankyou." I say as sit in my normal seat. Jeb enter and walks toward where I am sitting. "Mr Garamous please sit in the front row." Miss Quail says. "Why?" Jeb says with a growl. "I like my new students to sit in the front row on their first week." Miss Quail says as Jeb marches to the front amutter swear words under his breathe.

At lunch I sit under a tree but about fifften minutes later Jeb shows up. "After school you're getting a beating, no scratch that I could give you the beating now." I stand up and bolt for my locker and grab my bag and skateboard and ride out the school gate with Jeb hot on my tail. I turn towards Jackies house. "Let me in please Jackie Jeb's after me." I say as I bang on the door rapidly. "Jackie please He's going to kill me, no joke. Please Jack-" I can't finsh my sentence because Jeb has put a hand on my mouth. I bite his hand. "Son of a-" Jeb says just before I let out a high pitched scream. I notice Jackie open her front door just before Jeb punches me in the face. I notice Jeb has't hit me again so I open my eyes ,wait my eyes were closed?, and see Alex punch Jeb in the nose and then knee him in his private place. I stand up just before Jeb sends a punch at Alex and hitting him in the forehead. I run over to Alex. "Alex!" I yell. "Is Alex ok? " Jackie asks. "I don't think so." I say as Jeb walks over to Jackie. "Leave Jackie Alone Jeb, Jackie close the door and lock it. I don't want another friend getting hurt becuase of me." I say and Jackie does exactlly what shes told. "Alex, why did you....." I whisper. Jeb grabs me by my hair and throws from the pavement to the grass. "Jackie call an abulance or the police!!!!" I yell as Jeb comes over and kicks me in the head and then everything goes black.

I wake up in a white room I look around and see another. person on a hospital bed. "Alex..." I whisper as a tear rolls down my cheek. I look over to my other side and see a sleeping Mum, Dad, and James. I look back over to Alex and see another sleeping figure. Jackie. "I feel my family stir. "Iris!" They yell at the same time. "Shhhh." I say as I point to Alex and Jackie. "Thankgood you're awake." Mum says as she grabs my hand. "Is Alex going to be alright?" I ask with worry. "Yeah he's going to be fine sis, but you, not so much." Says James as I look at him in confusion. "You got beat up pretty bad, the worst is your ankle though." James says. "How?" I ask. "When Jeb kicked you in the leg after you had been knocked out your ankle snaped." Mum says. "You'll be either on crutches for two month's or a wheel chair for a month and a half." Dad continues. "I choose crutches." I say with a slight smile. From the corner of my eye I see Jackie wake up. She leave Alex and comes over to me. "Mornin' sleeping baeuty." I say with a laugh. Jackie smiles but then frowns. "I hope Alex wakes up soon." She says, tearing up. "I'm sure he'll wake up soon, just stay by him." I say. I go to sit up properly when I remenber my ankle. "Dang nammit." I say. "What?" Dad asks. "I want to stand up." I say as I swing my okay foot on the side of the bed then I grab my not okay leg and gentley putit next to my other leg. "I'll get you cruches." Dad says as he leaves then comes back with crutches that are just my size. I hobble over to Alex and sit in a seat.

After about 15 minutes later I see signs of Alex waking up. I stand up and wait with Jackie and James as Alex's eyes slowly open. "Jackie, James, Iris." He says with a smile, when he had said my name I swear his eyes  got brighter or maybe I'm just imagining it. "James, Iris Do you think my siste rand I could have a private chat?" Alex asks. James and I nod and walk/hobble away. After about five minutes Jackie comes over and tell James to go up to Alex. "So what happened after I got my head kicked in?" I ask quietly. "Jeb kept bashing you but after two minutes he started kicking Alex. Then the police took Jeb away and the abulance took You and Alex here." Jackie whispers. I nod. James comes back. "Iris, your turn." James says. I nod in response and hobble over to Alex. "Hey..." I say, looking at the bottom of my cruches like their the new anime action figure. "Hey Iris, you ok?" Alex asks. I look up and see worry in his eyes. "Yeah... But I was wondering why did you stand up to Jeb?" I ask as I look back down. Alex lift my chin with his index finger. "Because you're my friend, I always try to protect my friends." Alex says. I try to smile but it fails. "I need to tell you something." Alex says as I nod for him to go on. " I'm going to university in Canada." He says as he holds both of my hands. "What type of university?" I ask in mere whisper. "A music university. I'm going in a week." Alex says. "But you're still in year 12." I say with confusion. "Yeah but they think I'm really good and are excepting me earlier then everyone else." He says with a hint of cheer. "Congrats. bye" I say as I turn around to hobble away but Alex grabs my arm. "Look after Jackie for me if James doesn't." He says in a whisper while looking down. I nod and hobble away

Today is the party for Alex's departure to Canada. I hobble into the lounge room where Jackie and James are making out. I turn on my crutches and head for my room again. Every one has to dress fance for Alex's Party. I've chosen a black dress with red and white lase that all torn up and touchs the floor. I'm wearing a black and red canvas shoes, since the other foot is in a cast, underneath the dress, I'm not a fan of heels. I walk into the lounge room once more and James and Jackie have stoped making out. "Hey Jackie, can you do my hair and how does this look?" I ask. "That is an awesome dress and of course I'll do your hair." She says laughing as I slowly turn in my dress, which is extremly difficult on cruches. Jackie starts dying my hair with blood red strips, curles my hair in ringlets then she ties it up and I look in a mirror. "Oh my devil. I look like the devil's daughter." I say with a grin. Jackie leaves the bathroom and I follow as I reach the lounge room there's a knock at the door. I hobble to the door and when I open it I see Alex. "It's about time you got here." I say with a laugh.

After that people started piling into the house so I hobble to my room and lock the door behind me. I lay down and stare at my posters. A little later there is a knock on my bedroom door. I get up and hobble my way to the door. I open it to see Alex. "Have you seen Jackie?" Alex asks quietly. "No but shes probably in James room making out with him." I say with a quiet giggle. "Can I come in?" He asks looking down at my dress. "I'm sorry but i'm trying to clear my head of something." I say looking down. "Ok but if you need anything just call." Alex says as he leaves. I nod and close the door and lock it yet again. That was the last thing I ever said to Alex before he left for Canada

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