Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: The Boost.

Zayn didn't get to stop the car. I had to tuck and roll out of the car while it was going 20 miles per hour. The duffle bag cushioned my fall. I was still wearing my clothes from earlier so I scraped my back and knees a bit. I ran over to the 6 foot cement wall and threw my bag over. I jumped and pulled myself over the wall. I landed on my feet and grabbed the bag. I ran towards the only building, Paul's garage. He didn't have security in the garage, no alarms or anything. I used a crowbar to bash the closest window. I threw my bag in and then I climbed in. Paul had cars up on car lifts and on the ground. He had so many cars it was insane. I saw my baby blue GT 500 Mustang. I used my tools and unlocked it. I ran over to a thing of keys Paul had hanging on the garage wall. I found the ones marked GT 500. I grabbed them and ran over to my new car I threw my bag in and started the car I drove to the garage door, I had to get out to open it. I pushed the button. As I did I saw a pair of headlights and I got hit in the face. "What the fuck," I yelled. "Who are you," a man screamed. I looked up and saw Paul himself. My heart dropped to my stomach. I laid on the ground looking up at the man who could ruin my life at any second. "Your young," he noticed. I made a quick decision. I leg swept Paul and ran back to the Mustang. I got in and sped past Paul. I swiftly drove around the red Porsche parked outside and sped onto the streets. There was no way in hell I was going to jail for boosting cars. I pulled out my phone and called Brett. "You okay," he asked. "I got the car but Walker showed up. He saw me. I was able to get the car. Be at the garage. I'm coming in hot," I said. He hung up. I put my phone under my leg.

I was speeding away when I noticed Paul driving behind me. "Fuck," I yelled as I hit he steering wheel. I called Brett again. "We're ready," he said. "I can't! It's too hot. Paul's on my ass Brett. I need help," I yelled. "We can't and you know that," I heard my dad yell. "I love you guys," I said. "We love you too," they all said. I hung up and put my phone back under my leg.

I was driving on the back roads now. They winded around the outside of the city. Paul was still on my ass. I was making the none renovated car top out. The car Paul was driving has obviously had custom parts on it. In one swift motion Paul tailed my left bumper. My car was lifted into the air. Once it landed it flipped, what seemed like hundreds of times, down a hill. When the car finally stopped, it was upside down. I was dangling with my arms above my head. I was dizzy and couldn't see straight. I blacked out.

When I came too I could smell gas. After a few minutes Paul was by my side. He opened the door and unbuckled my seat belt. I landed on the roof of the car and let out a yelp of pain. "How old are you," he asked. I couldn't speak. I was so dizzy and tired for some reason. "I called the police," he said. "No," I uttered. "I had to you stole my car dammit! And you crashed! You need a hospital," he yelled. "No. Jail," I mumbled. "How old are you," he demanded to know. "Sixteen," I barely uttered. "Your only sixteen," he asked. "Since yesterday," I spoke, more clearly as my head was becoming clear. "Your just a kid! Why did you make me do this," he asked. "I boost cars," I mumbled. "I won't press charges. I'll tell them you just stole the car. Don't admit to boosting cars. They can't prove anything," he said. "My dad," I uttered. "Who's your dad," he asked. "Cory Davis, they'll check my house out for sure," I spoke. "How many cars do you have," he asked. "Enough to sentence his grandkids to prison for life," I replied. "What's your name?" "Payton Davis." After that I passed out. For a long time.

When I woke up I was handcuffed to a hospital bed. No one was in my room. I saw balloons and a teddy bear on a table in the room. How long have I been here? My right arm was in a cast up to my elbow, my left leg was raised in the air with a cast on it, my back and ribs hurt like a bitch, and I was very sure I had a concussion. I pressed the pager button. A doctor came in holding a clip board along with two formal looking cops. "Ms Davis," he started. "That's me," I uttered in pain. "You have experienced a bad crash. Do you remember it," he asked. "Vaguely," I replied. "You have a broken arm, a few broken ribs, a bone in your back shattered, a broken leg, and a severe concussion. That's not even saying anything about your many scrapes, cuts, and bruises. I wouldn't look in the mirror if I were you," he said. He touched my wrist and shined a light in my eyes. He scribbled something on the clipboard and then left.

The cops each went to one of my sides. The one on my left took the handcuffs off my wrist. I rubbed the raw place on my skin. "Ms Davis do you remember why you wanted to steal Mr Walker's car," the male one asked. "I wanted a car. I just turned sixteen. My parents don't have the money to buy me that car," I replied. "Why not just drive one of the cars at your house," the female one asked. "Did you even go to my house," I asked. "Yes and you have quite the collection. Why are you putting nitrous oxide in your car? Planning on street racing?" She asked. "No I wasn't. Those are all legally our cars. Some of them already have been sold," I yelled. "They all have been reported stolen though," he said. "We have paper work for each car," I snapped. "Not three of them," the girl said. She handed me pictures. "We arrested your dad this morning. Evidence also came up that he was the one who killed Keith Davis in the street race two years ago. He's being charged with vehicular homicide. Plus three counts of boosting cars," the girl said. She was enjoying this. "My dad already went to jail for a year for that race," I screamed. "Yes, for being apart of the race and obstruction of justice," the guy informed. "Your not in trouble. You have nothing on your record. Mr Walker is not pressing charges," the girl added. "Then leave," I yelled. "One more question," the guy said. They looked at each other and then he asked,"Do you boost cars?"

"No," I replied. I wasn't going to admit to two cops I boost cars. They thanked me for my time and then left. I paged for the nurse. She rushed into my room. "How long have I been asleep," I asked. "Three days," she replied. Shit, school. "A boy has been in the waiting room everyday. Those damned police wouldn't let anyone see you before they got to talk to you," she said. "You can send him in. Along with any other visitors I have," I told her. She left the room.

A few minutes later Brett ran into my room. His hands went to his face. "Payton. I'm so sorry," he said. He came, pulled a chair, and sat next to me. "It's fine. I'm fine," I said. "It's all my fault you needed help," he said. "You wouldn't have made it in time anyways," I urged. "Your mom is broken over all of this and your dad going back to jail." "I'm not surprised. She was like that the first time too." "Zayn thinks it's his fault. He knew he should've kept a lookout," he said. "I'm glad he didn't. I needed to do it on my own. I'm glad Paul isn't pressing charges. I don't need to be in jail," I joked. Brett laughed. He texted something. "I almost forgot," he said as he pulled something out of his pocket. He handed me an iPhone box. "Thanks," I said. I'm guessing my other phone was destroyed. He reached into his pocket again and pulled out a little box. He opened it and showed me a little pink diamond ring. "It's a promise ring. I promise you that we'll get married the minute you turn 18," he said. I nodded and he slipped the ring on my finger. He kissed me. "I promise," I whispered.

My brothers, sister, and mother came into my room. "Pay," all my siblings shouted. "Quiet! She still has a concussion," my mom said. They all hugged me. "What happened," my mom asked. "During the boost Paul caught me. We went on a high speed chase. It was just him and I, no cops yet. He tailed me and my car flipped down the hill. Once he found out I was only 16 his heart melted basically and he said he wouldn't press charges. He held me the whole time until I passed out," I said. "At least you met Paul Walker," Adrian joked. "Shut up Adrian," Alexis said as she hit him.

After a few hours came a knock on the door. Paul walked in. Everyone left. He sat where Brett was. "I'm paying your hospital bills," he said. "Thank you," I replied. He just looked at me for a minute. "Why are you being so nice to me? You could charge me with grand theft auto and breaking and entering!" "I didn't want you going away for life. And I feel bad. If you died I could've went away for vehicular homicide. There's also another thing," he said. "Well what is it," I asked. "My daughter is fifteen. You remind me of her. Except she can't stand cars," he replied. I laughed. I reminded him of his daughter?

A/N Amaze balls huh? ;)

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