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Chapter Fourteen: Conclusion.

Being in prison as a teenager sucks. I was forced to live in solitary confinement because of safety reasons. But finally, after six long months, I was going home.

I was led through the halls of the quiet prison to, basically, check out. I got changed into my clothes I wore the day of the race. They gave me all the belongings I had on me at the time I was arrested. I walked outside through long lines of fences. I was still led by two guards. Other prisoners that were outside cheered for me as I walked exiting the prison. The gates opened. On the other side was a baby blue Mustang. Out stepped the driver, my father.

With tears in my eyes, and a smile on my face, I ran to my dad. I jumped in his arms. He twirled me around in circles until we were both dizzy. He set me down and I saw tears in his eyes as well. "Payton," he said as he put his hands to his face. "Daddy I love you," I said. "I love you too Pete," he said.
We hugged.

My dad drove into our large driveway and parked next to the house. I just sat in he car for a minute. "Go on," he said. I smiled and then ran inside as fast as my legs would carry me. My family was sitting at the kitchen table. I ran up to Brett and gave him a big, passionate kiss. Well, multiple big and passionate kisses. "Okay you two," my mom said. I ran over to her. We were both crying. I know I'm not close with my mom but, no daughter would be anywhere without knowing her mom was an amazing woman who gave up nine months of her life to help them grow. My brothers were next. They all hugged me at the same time. "I can't breathe," I said after a few minutes. "Oh sorry," they all said in non unison. I then saw Alexis. She was in tears as well. "Alex," I said embracing her. "It's Alexis," she replied. I smiled.

That night my mom made the best dinner I've ever had. Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, and green beans. Yum. It might've been the best because I've been in prison for six months.

After dinner I went out to the garage and went up to my white Mustang. The guys had finished the work I was doing on her. I heard footsteps from behind me and saw my dad when I turned around. "Hey daddy," I greeted. "Payton you know I had to tell them where the race was," he said. "I know and I'm glad you did," I replied. "Thank you for getting me out, getting us all out," he said. I hugged him. "I've waited six months to see my family. The only reason is because I put a man behind bars for the rest of his life. If I didn't go away the rest of them would've. That'd be a selfish thing if I hadn't went away. I'm glad I did," I said.

My family sat around a bonfire in our driveway. We each had our cars parked around it so that we could tailgate. I got a text from Paul. "There's a race tonight at Rob's. He wants to see you and thank you for helping get him out. I need to also." I ignored the text. My family noticed a change in my behavior. "If you have to go you have to go," my mom said. I smiled and got into the drivers seat. I sped away from my house.

I got to Rob's. The race was a big event. A lot of people were there racing at the mile long track. I drove through the crowd who cleared as I came close. I was obviously driving my blue Mustang. I mean, after all, it is the car that almost ruined my family. I saw Rob approach me. I put my car in park and hugged him. The crowd started applauding. "Your huge in the racing world," he clarified. "Where's Paul," I asked. Rob pointed to the track. I got into my car and drove to the track.

I pulled next to Paul who was in one of his favorite cars. He rolled his windows down and so did I. "Hey jail bait," he teased. "Oh hell no," I said. Paul laughed. "I've missed you," he admitted. "Me too," I replied. "So wanna race," he asked. "Let me go to the police station to get the impounded Venom and sure," I joked. Paul laughed again. "I got ten grand you can't beat me in the whole mile," he said. "I won the Course De Rue. I got nothing more than time and money," I said. "One mile," he clarified. "One mile," I repeated. The guy on the sidelines started shaking the green flag. "You're going down Paul Walker," I teased. "In your dreams Payton Davis," he said with a laugh. We rolled up our windows. Then the flag dropped. The race was on.

A/N DO NOT WORRY THERE IS A SEQUEL! It's not over! I just don't want this book to be too repetitive so I want to write a sequel to it. The next one is going to be called Need For Speed. Hah funnaaayyyy!! Anyways I love writing this book and stayed up late at night A LOT because I was so excited for it! Thanks for reading it! Paul Walker love <3

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