We lied to our art teacher, Miss Kareese. We excused that we had to make arrangement for the book festival that was to be held in our school."So, book festival huh?" she asked. Although she believed us, she always makes it sure we are not lying. "Yes mam, we are the volunteers " Cadence lied.
Miss Kareese loves Cadence just because she is good in art."Oh, ok but when will you be back?"
"Probably soon or after maths" said, Katy. Katy hates maths. If she would ever get her hands on a maths guy, she would kill him. She even broke up with a guy because he won an international math competition. He found it unreasonable too, so the break-up part was smooth.
"Ma'am can we please go, we will be late and the bell will ring in fifteen minutes so...." I left a gap for someone else to speak but no one to speak up.
"Umm...so we have to make a haste race to the library". I looked at Cheryl, she is really quick at times which I lack.
"Fine you can leave and Cadence can I have a word with you".
"Make it quick.We will be waiting" I whispered to Cadence."Will try" she replied.
Ashlin still took the book with her and she leaned against the wall reading. The door creaked open and Cadence came out."What was that about now?" I asked her." She wants me to paint a portrait of the principal," she said with disappointment."What in the world! You can't do that much. She is insane" said Cheryl.
" I know, so I had to deny her request," said Cadence. I patted her back to comfort her.
"Now listen to me all of you. We will spread ourselves and look for the book. Is that fine?"Selene directed.
"I am on it.No matter what happens we will do it" said Amy.

The frozen darkness
Teen Fiction'when you leave, see the truth, cause you may never know what I will do' - the last words that reconstructed the past ................ Everything was fine and normal until that announcement. Will the book hunt lead to a haunt of the past?