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"Hi, this is Miss Cleo or something. Welcome to the Physic Hotline. Um, yeah, I will predict your future or whatnot. Give me a minute to spit out my gum..."

"Yeah. My name is Nathan. I totally want to ask out this girl Jennifer. She is really pretty. Well, I wouldn't think I would of had a shot with her, but than the other day she smiled at me. Who am I? I am just a nerd. I also spilled my drink on my laptop I was so shocked at that smile. I now need a new laptop but totally worth it if I can somehow get a new heart. The future is something I want to know."

"Well, I'm um.....let get my script book....wait, I meant not that. Let me get my physic cards. I will summon the spirit of future telling spirits. Let me put you on hold for a minute. Um, yeah."

*Mystical song*

"Okay....I'm back."

"So what exactly chance do I have? I need to know the future, because if I know, I can look forward to it instead of guessing. Use your powers to give me mine."

"Er, sure, kid. Yeah. I would say a pretty good choice. Hold on a second. Yup. Jennifer is going to go the prom with you. Er, just be yourself says the card of manhood, and she will totally want to be with you. Yup."

"Great. This makes me very happy."

"Er, sure. Five dollars will be charged to your credit card, and may the spirit of Miss Cleo be with you. Yup."

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