Chapter One

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My heartbeat quickens, my blood rushed through my veins a hundred miles a minute. Sweat starts to form on my forehead and my hands shake nervously. I have to stay calm, I can do this... The lights get brighter and my thoughts go through my head like speading bullets. I felt a cold hand on ,my shoulder and a soft, raspy whisper in my ear,

"You can do this babe"

And then I walked on stage.

*1 Month Earlier*

I woke to the sun shining through my curtains, the birds chirping outside. But all of that didn't matter because the one thing I heard over all of those was one thing that made my head pound, the screaming of my parents. Things weren't always fun and dandy here at the Taylor house. By no means were we the perfect family, we had a screwed up life like everybody else, the daily fights, the screaming, yelling, all of that.. Because life was a living hell but somehow I managed to be able to get through it all.

I dreaded getting out of bed, especially in the summer. It was finally the end of June and teenagers everywhere were getting in the habit of sleeping till 1pm. This summer was different, after it was over I would not be returning to the hell hole most people call, high school. I would be making my way to college, the next big step in my life. Of course finding out where you are going to be attending college is a challenge but then there's that moment when you move away from home, your friends, all your memories. Over the course of 4 years of high school I managed to keep one friend, Lexy. She was the friend that you trust with your life, the one who stuck with you through think and thin.

I slowly made my bed and opened the curtains, letting the sun it, filling the room with beams of light. The sound of yelling filled my ears and I dreaded having to walk downstairs. Over the years I have learned how to deal the all the bickering, the yelling, but sometimes the big blowouts were the fights that got to me. My mom was tough, she stood her ground, even if it meant she had to be a totally bitch. And for my dad, he just gets angry, part of me gets scared for my mom but the other part knows he would never lay a finger on my her.

I walked down the stairs slowly, but surly, I turned into the kitchen and thats when I witnessed my moms tear stained eyes, and the soft yells coming from her mouth.

"There is so many things wrong!" she yelled.

"Maybe if you didn't yell at me everytime I did something we wouldn't be in this situation!" My dad raised his voice. His face showed dominence but I knew he felt bad for yelling.

"me yelling at you? Do you see your self?! Your a sick bastard!" Her words stung like knifes. She was beyond mad and I could see it on her face. She was sick of the fighting, and so was I.

"I'm leaving.." My dad says angrily, fists bawled up tightly and he threw the door open and left. The sound of his car door being slammed was then heard and the silence in the room grew.

"M-mom?" I stuttered. I was scared, scared of seeing my parents fight, scared for my mom, and my dad.

She looked at me, tears now streaming down her face.

"Im sorry Lauren.. I'm sorry you had to see that" She says while taking a seat at the table, putting her face in her hands. I walk over and sit next to her.

"What happened?" I say softly. I know I shouldn't ask but I needed to know what was wrong this time.

"Everything, your father and I are in a very bad place right now so if you could stay out of it please." She says sternly.

"But what ab-" I was cut off.

"Lauren please! Stop asking so many questions!" Her head shot us and she rose from the table. Anger filled her eyes.

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