chapter 4

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the whole party was a blurr. one second im getting a drink, next im dancing on table tops.

i look around and see jeffree star giving jake a lap dance. but the funniest thing was ashley trying to walk down stairs it was funny because he fell twice before he gave up and slide down the stairs on his butt. i went upstairs to use the bathroom when i walked in i stopped. i didnt know what to do i walked in on kellin and jayy making out and vic recording. they all looked up and gasped. jayy snapped out of it and looked around and turned to kellin and vic and slapped them both in the face then walked out.

"jayy! baby wait" kellin called out and ran after him followed by vic.

so that's why you knock before going into the bathroom.

Andy's POV.

"come on andy lighten have drink" juliet said while handing me a solo cup. i took a swig it burned on the way down.

"i dont know, i think i should just go-"

"NO!!" juliet cut me off. " if you leave i have to go with you because im your 'girlfriend' and i dont want to leave" she whinned

i sighed and nodded. she sequealed and jumped around and an off to find ronnie i guess. i just wondered around sipping my drink i reached the living room and at on the couch. i just really hd alot on my mind. maybe juliets right. maybe i should just lighten up and have fun. i nodded to myself and chugged the rest of my drink and smiled. yea i might as well have some fun with this.

Juliet's POV.

i saw andy he was finally starting to have fun im glad poor guy in love with his band members he really needed this. i smiled and turned around and bumped into someone.

it was cc.

"oh, sorry" i said and smiled at him but then i notice he was crying.

"what's wrong cc?" i asked. he slurred something i couldnt understand. he was drunk so i lead him upstairs to a bedroom. i sat him on the bed and took his drink away. we sat there till he calmed down. it took about 5 minutes.

"ok can you tell me whats wrong?" i asked he nodded he took a deep breath and turned to me and looked sad and mad at the sametime.

" i dont like you" was all he said. i blinked a few times, to try and proccess what he said.

"what?" was all i could say.

"" he said pauseing between every word. why dosent he like me.

"why dont you like me? i asked. he's drunk so he probably dosent mean it.

"you stole andy from me....from us!" he exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

"what do you mean?" maybe i can get some information for him to help and i took out my phone and set it so it was recording us.

"i mean you stole andy from us. me,ashley,jinxx,and jake"

"how did i steal him?"

"we loved him and wanted him to be with us, but you came along and took him from us?"

"cc, i didnt take him he is still yours" i said but he shook his head

"no, not in the way we want him..." he trailed off

"please....explain" i asked he took a deep breath

"me,ashley,jinxx,and jake are in a relationship with each other we all really like andy and was going to tell him but that was the day he told us about you.." he explain my eye's widen so they did really like him. i was doing a little happy dance in my head.

"but now he will never love us like that because of you" he said tears streaming down his face. i pulled him into a hug and cooed him. soon he feel asleep, i stopped the recording and sighed.

this is great but also bad because i dont know what to do mmmmm. maybe i can talk to jinxx so i went down stairs to find him.

"hey jinxx can i talk to you outside?" i ask he nodded and got up. we went outside and stood there for a minute or to till he broke the silence.

"so what is it you want to talk about?" he asked

"ok, um i have to tell you something.." i said trailing off. he nooded his head for me to contuine. i took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes.

" not really my boyfriend...he's my cousian" i told him. his eye's went wide and he dropped his cup.

"what?" he asked i nodded.

" he asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend so he could see you guys see if you guys liked him the way he likes you" i said never takeing my eye's off him.

" why didnt he just say something?" he asked

"because he was scared you wouldnt like him and kick him out of the band" i answered simply.

" what should we do? you cant tell him anything or he will know i told you or something" i said jinxx was looking down. but he slowly rose his head and looked at me with an evil smile.

"what?" i asked

"i have a plan.."

~hey you guys!!!!! hope you like the chapter and sorry i havnt updated in a while i have been busy and there maybe alot of missing letters or miss spelled words because my laptop has something wrong with it sorry i will update the other storys later bye bye!!~

Me and the ones i love(sequel to 'my band mates and me')*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now