Up in Smoke

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Ricken Licht was the top student in tome chemistry.

"Settle down mages!" The teacher called out to the talkative class. He pulled out a clip board and read out, "Today we are going to craft spells in beakers. Just a simple transformation tablet. We don't have enough beakers so you will get into groups of two. Ricken sighed, not really wanting some lower classed student to ruin the assignment.

"Lissa, choose your partner." Lissa sat up straight and, possibly, called out the first name to come to mind, "Maribelle!" The teacher nodded and went down the list. "Absent...tardy...dropped the class...Henry! Choose." The Plegian turns his attention away from his slimy familiar and giggles, "Ricken!" The class groans as the top student is taken from the list. Ricken turns to Henry and sees him and his familiar waving. Ricken nervously smiles back. Ricken was absolutely invested in Henry since his arrival at the academy. Maybe it was his puzzling actions, his taste for danger, his positive attitude when faced with anything. Henry also seemed to label Ricken as his only friend, he didn't try to make any conversation aside from letting people borrow a pen or a paper.

Once the class was divided up, the pairs sat at shared lab desks. Henry happily put his familiar on the desk and pulled up a stool next to Ricken. "Hey there, buddy!" He smiles wide. Ricken smiles back and places their supplies in front of him. Ricken gets up to retrieve some extra elixirs and additives.

Meanwhile Henry fills the beaker with water and pulls some small bottled objects from his pockets. Somethings he always had on his person was herbs, bones of small rodents, and graveyard dirt. He sprinkled in herbs and mixed various test tubes on the desk. Ricken came back to see Henry mixing two specific ingredients that's could cause the glass to shatter. He ran over before the glass breaks, but it didn't. "Henry, what are you doing!? Why didn't the beaker break!?" Henry smiled up at the red head, "I'm unhinged not dumb, silly. I canceled out the reaction. Now I just add this." He pours in a pink liquid and waves around his wand as he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a rodent tail but the beaker puffs out pink smoke hearts. Ricken gasps and blushes, "Henry? What is this? This is not the lesson..."

Henry looks at the tail in his hand, "Ooh! I didn't even need to use this! Saving that for later!" He slips the limb back into his pocket. Ricken blushes in embarrassment as the hearts float to him and push him to Henry. Ricken refuses to meet his eyes as he is pushed to Henry. The hearts knock him and Henry over before bursting into the air. Henry lays on his back, smiling up at the Ylissian, "That wasn't planned but I enjoy the outcome." Ricken blushes and Henry gives him a quick peck on the nose.

He quickly stands and gets to work on the proper project. Lissa giggles at the boys with her partner.


Ricken did pass the project as did Henry. Ricken walks out the classroom but waits for a specific student. The entire class leaves and last is Henry. The Plegian smiles at Ricken.

The red head looks away from him and extends his hand out for him to take. Henry takes it immediately. "Be honest with me...was that a love potion?" Henry's brows rose, "No...are you in love with me?" Ricken says nothing and leads him down an empty hall. He looks around and quickly leans up to kiss Henry's lips before running off.

"By the way, Henry! Don't mix potions like that!"

HenRicken OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now