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Drip drip drip I hear the water hit the building, drop drop drop I hear my tears hit the floor. Silence I was told silence was the key but the thing about silence is it gives you time to think to to remorse regret time for your sins to eat away I never felt bad for all the wrong I had done I never felt bad for it was all in good fun but here I am now full or regret and remorse cause all this silence has left me time to think I'm sorry for the bad things I have done I'm sorry again if I ever picked fun I'm sorry for not standing up against the crowed I'm sorry if I left you to drown I'm sorry for all the tears I saw cried and all the time kids sang teenage lullabies I'm sorry for not helping I'm starting to care I'm sorry that I was never really there. And if I could go back in time to stop all those things I'd do it a thousand times over again cause the only thing I ever forgot to say was I'm sorry my friend for getting in your way.

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