Dylan Scott

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Ryleigh and Skye jumped out of their sleep; clearly traumatized by the nights events. 

"What's going on?" Zara walked over to console her sisters. 

Zaire and Kendrick walked over to where they were sitting. Zara asked, "Them where have you guys been, I have been calling you guys all night; what is going on?" 

Skye looked to Kendrick, and asked "Where are mommy and daddy?" He looked at his sister with sadness in his eyes. He was so hurt that she had to experience this life that her mom and dad tried to protect her from. Skye's perspective of life had now been tainted and he felt he had to do something to protect her now more than ever. 

He finally responded, "They are at the hospital, once they leave the hospital they are going to DR". 

Zaire interjected and said, "And so are you guys so let's get up out of here." 

Zara folded her arms over her chest, and protested, "We are not going anywhere until someone tells me what is going on?"

Zaire looked at his twin and said, "Zara, look I don't have time to answer the who's, what's, where's, when's and why's; I need you to trust me!" 

Zara knew her brother had her best interest at heart, but she was still confused and wanted answers. How could one of the best days of her sister's life turn into complete and utter mayhem? She grabbed her clutched and walked outside. Ryleigh and Skye followed her. The two of them held on to each other as if they were physically connected at the hip. 

They all got into Zaire's Range Rover and drove to the clear port. They were all about to get out when Zara turned to Dylan, and asked, "What were you going to tell me before my brothers came busting through the door?" 

He said, "It can wait there is a lot going on right now." Zara raised her eyebrow but didn't press the issue further but once they got to DR, she was going to find out what Dylan was 'sorry' about. They all piled into the jet, and flew in silence; for their minds were all over the place – especially the girls.

Ryleigh sat with her legs thrown over Dylan's legs, Skye sat with her head in Zara's lap, and Zaire and Kendrick, sat with their hands folded over their chest. Zara drifted off to sleep and her mind went to her happy place. 

She was back in sunny California, and life was normal as she knew it. She had just left from hanging out with her homeboy Casino. She knew Casino liked her but she didn't want to ruin their friendship, and she was still madly in love with Kelly. She was walking to her apartment when this woman stopped her and asked if she could ask her a question. She looked at the woman bewildered, what could this strange woman possibly want from her. The woman proceeded to ask her where she was from. Zara responded that she was from NY, the woman's face lit up like it was Christmas. Zara was now getting creeped out. She began to walk away, but the woman grabbed her arm, and said, "Please, can you do me a favor? I had to leave NY a few years ago because I did something really bad. I was just trying to make an extra few dollars for my son, but I put my life as well as his in danger and I had to run. When you return to NY could you please try to find my son Dylan Scott, and tell him that I am alive, and I am sorry for abandoning him? I was just trying to protect him."

 Zara jumped out of her sleep and looked at Dylan hard. He caught her stare and dropped his eyes. He had to come clean even if it did cost him his life. 

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