Hate (HABIT x Vinny)

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       HABIT was cold, Vinny knew that, but he couldn't help but feel... Love? No, love was a strong word for a monster like him. Maybe friendly was better. That was mainly for the fact that he still had his friend in his vice grip. Vinny remembered all the laughs they had, all the wonderful times playing video games in Evan's basement. Now he's trapped... Trapped in HABIT's world, not even able to leave the house he was in. But it wasn't as bad as Evan had it. Having to watch HABIT murder all of his friends. 

        Slowly Vinny had a bubble of hate raise up in him. He couldn't help but hate everything, EVERYTHING,  that went on in the past couple of months. The bloodshed, the bodies, the tortue. Vinny sat in the living room reminiscing on everything.  Suddenly he was thrusted out of his thoughts by the sound of rapid knocking. Vinny's eyes widened,

                           "No. NO NO NO NO NO! Not now! I don't want to deal with this, not now."

          VInny yelled, backing into a corner. The knocking stopped and Vinny sat in the corner, head in his hands. He hated all of this. He loathed the idea of that monster here, after so long. He balled his hands into fists in his hair as he heard HIS voice cooing from outside the door.

                        "Knock knock Vin... C'mon Vinny, you didn't think you could avoid me forever? Did you think I'd never come back for you?"

            His voice distorted as he spoke the last sentence. And Vinny knew deep down HABIT was right, Vinny knew he'd come back to finish what he started. VInny stood up, tears flowing down his face as he made his way to the door. He breathed shakily as he opened the door, sealing his fate.

                       "Haha! I knew you'd come around Vin! Listen, I brought you some supplies and-"

               HABIT trailed off as he stared at the man before him, his vessels friend. The last one to live so far. HABIT shifted his weight to one foot and crossed his arms over his chest, staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

                      "What's the matter Vin? Gotta something so far up your a-"

                          "Shut up...."

     mumbled. HABIT clenched his fists and glared daggers at him. HABIT slammed him into the wall by his throat.

                      "You may think that I need you and that I wouldn't DARE kill you, but guess what?!"

                 HABIT snarled, some spit hitting Vinny's face. Vinny said nothing, earning HABIT to squeeze his throat so he was now gasping for air.

              " Say, 'What HABIT!' "

   He growled  in his true voice, smiling his signature smile. Vincent choked, trying to reply, but he couldn't due to the hand strangling it. HABIT loosened his grip.

            "I hate you. YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!"

        HABIT laughed, he released Vinny and was trembling with laughter. Once his laughter died down, he slowly inched his face closer to Vincent's  face, barely a centimeter away from his lips.

       " And I love that you loathe my very existence Vin"

   His lips crashed onto Vincents lips                

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