chap 2

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I think my update days will be on Sunday or Monday nights and nights I can't sleep . so yeah . sorry the last chapter was so short .. that'll change this time . *

*kellins POV*

did he just say he was gay ? how could this be happening to me ? this is the first time in a long long time .
"really ? or are you just fucking with me because I'm new ?" I asked in compleat honesty .

"no really I am . watch this ." he gets up and walks over to a tall buff jockey kid and taps on his shoulder . "cre-"

"what the fuck do you want faggot ? and no I don't want to be your little gay fuck buddy get the fuck away from me homo ." Vic turns on his toes and walks back to me .

"see I told you ." he didn't even look phase by what the kid just said . "and for warning if you are going to come out to the school try and stay away from him after you do . I don't want to see you get hurt." I wonder if he really means it . probably not who would care for a piece of shit like me ? "hey . uhm after school do you want to come over and like hang out or something ?" oh my god is this really happening ?? he is blushing . I can't even .

"sure that would be great ." I say with a smile . this is weird my anxiety level is like nonexistent . he smiled back at me and wrote something down .

"I know we have the rest of our classes together but I might end up skipping so here is my number ." he handed me the paper it read

279-7399 Vic's number <3

omg he put a heart . this is all so new to me . people being nice to me . I kinda like it . and with that the bell rang .

for the rest of the day me and Vic just talked we sat together and lunch and everything . at my old school i sat by myself . but Vic had a group if friends that were all excepting if his sexuality . it felt nice to be excepted .

the final bell just rang and Vic was walking me to my locker .
"hey I'll be right back stay right here and I'll give you a ride back to my place we can hang out ." he said and then winked . one I was melting on the inside . he went down to his locker and I waited . a really tall guy walked over to me .

"are you this new Kellin kid ?" he asked .

"uhm yeah why ?" and he fucking punched me .

"dot touch my Vic . ever you hear ? tell him austin wants to talk to him ." he said and walked the fuck away . I put my hand to my face . great my nose was bleeding . Vic saw me from a distance and ran to me .

"oh my god Kellin what the hell happened ?" he grabbed both sides of my face and looked at me .

"yell you see some really tall kid named austin punched me and told me not to ever touch you and that he wants to talk to you ." look dropped his hands to his side and staired and me with his mouth hanging open .

"oh my god Kellin this all my fault . I'm the worst friend ever oh my god I'm so sorry Kellin " he said and hugged me not caring my face blood would get on him . and of course I hug back I mean why wouldn't i ? he is hot . "Kellin I promise I will make sure you will never get hurt like this again .now come on let's go home . do you think your parents will let you stay the night ?" he asked I could help smile and get my phone out and ask my mom .

"my mom said yes ." y he said yay and jumped up and down like a little kid getting a puppy .

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