Demi Talks To Gaga About Her Decision

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I woke up early the next morning and got Maddie and Marissa both up and made breakfast Marissa was just going to come with me to drop Maddie off at school because after were going to head to Stefani's after o got ready i texted Stefani.
Text Convo between Demi and Stefani
D-Hey after we drop Maddie off at school Marissa and i are heading to your house i need to talk to you and Marissa is my support being as you can scare me sometimes but i still love you as sister.
S-okay and sorry also love you too sis
End of Convo
After that Maddie came down and we headed to her school which was 30 minutes away the reason we got uo early and left early after we dropped Maddie off we drove 30 minutes back to the area where Stefani's and my house are. Once we got there i knocked on the door and Stefani answered and invited us inside we sat down. I just said that what i need to talk to you about is thatyes im 25 but i feel like im ready to be a mom and i want to adopt someone in the age range of a baby to 4 or 5 years old what Stefani did next next was shout and run around her housedaying i called it i knew you were up to something just not this after her little show she came back in hugged me and said im fine with it and i said my next thing is will both you and Marissa come with me when i adopt and Maddie is i school only me and you two will know the gender its a surprise for my family and they agreed so i told them that i was looking to adopt a little girl. After an hour i got a call from Maddies school saying that i needed to pick her up because she is crying badly from a bullying incident so i decided that me Stefani and Marissa will all head to the school and maybe Stefani can scare some sense into the principle to take care of this situation i said to Stefani and Mar come on soldiers to Maddies school and Stefani scare or knock sense into the principle about the bullying situation and Stefani said okay. After getting in the car and driving 30 minutes we were at Maddies school went into the office there we went our separate ways Mar and Stefani to the principle leaving me faced with a histeracal maddie i just hugged her and we met back uo with Marissa and Stefani who both hugged Maddie while i talked to the principle who agreed he would talk to the bullys and expell them Maddie told them their names and then he let us leave so we drove 30 minutes back to my house and we all tried to cheer Maddie back uo but it wasnt working Stefani even ended up having me take her to her house to get her stuff and car to spend the night and was back 5 minutes later that fidnt really even cheer Maddie up.
Gaga's Pov
Im trying my best to help cheer Maddie up i didnt tell them this but i kind of may have yelled at the principle to knock sense into him about the bullying. I decided to spend the night at Demid hoping that will help Maddie but ut doesnt seem to be working i dont know what else to do and neither do Demi and Marissa

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