Wait what?!?

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Soa's pov

Beep Beep

Ugh not again. I glanced at my alarm and sighed it was 5 am Monday morning. I thought to myself another day in hell.

I yawned and slowly got out of bed threw on some clothes and then rushed to the kitchen which did not take long as I live in a tiny flat but it's beautiful unfortunately I'm always busy and I spend barely any time there.

I grabbed a piece of bread and ran out the house as I have to work before uni.
Why do I get up at 5 well that's due to my boss, he's the strictest man you will ever encounter. He is such a creep and never minds his own business and I'm just like boi why you do this?

As I arrived at the café door there was a loud yell. "Miss Soa your late by 5 minutes"
"I'm sorry" I whimpered. Honey I gotta get my sleep otherwise I'll end up like you I thought to myself.
"Right put these on that shelf" he hands me some plates and then I stand on a stall as the shelf is far too tall for me. I carefully place the plates to avoid getting into anymore trouble and after that I turn around to get down and I screamed.  THERE WAS MY BOSS LOOKING UP MY SKIRT.
"QUIET do you want to get fired?"
"You don't need to fire me because I quit" I yelled and stormed outside the building.
I ran for what felt like hours crying all the way until I had reached the local park.
I sat down and sung, singing always helps ease my pain. I forgot to mention that I love kpop, my cousin who lives in Korea showed me it and I haven't stopped listening since.

Whilst I was singing a figure approached. Shit I thought I ain't about to get kidnapped at half 5 in the morning.

"Here have this" a woman said in a heavily accented voice. She handed me a piece of card. She then left before I could thank her whilst saying " I expect to see you there"

I studied the card and giggled with excitement it was an invitation to audition at the Californian auditions for the minT company, my favourite company ( made up because I don't wanna get sued)

This could be it, the answer to all my problems!!!

Will it be though or will she be given more problems.
Find out soon

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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