Canada Ending (Lie Down In Your Arms ~ Envy Songfic)

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~Reader's p.o.v.~

             I smiled as the music finally stopped. Alfred looked to me and said, "So? Did you like it?" "That was awesome!" I replied. "Thanks (Name)!" Peter responded. "G-Glad you liked i-it (n-n-name)." Was Mattie okay? He usually never stuttered when talking to me, but lately he had been distancing himself. Sure there was the first time that I met him, but since then, he's opened up to me. 

             A thick British accent took me out of your thoughts. "You bloody git! Keep it down! I'm trying to watch Dr. Who!" Arthur was fuming. "Chill out Iggy-Brows. I'm sure Dr. Whats-his-face can wait." "Dr. Who!" I held back a laugh while watching the two siblings. Arthur finally stomped back to his room while muttering something about a "Bloody American Wanker". 

             I couldn't take it any longer and finally busted out laughing. The rest of the gang soon joined along. I finally controlled your laughing and wiped the stray tears that had fallen down my cheeks. "Why is Iggy so boring?" Peter asked. "Not sure... but he sure is fun to tease!" Alfred said. Matthew was being unusually quiet. "Hey? Earth-to-Mattie?" Matthew came back to the world and blushed furiously. "S-S-Sorry." Alfred and Peter chuckled. "Matthew are you ok? You're acting weird..." "I'm f-fine." "Okay..." 

             I checked my phone and saw 8:00 pm on the screen. "Hey guys, I need to get going. Bye!" I waved to everyone and walked to the front door  to retrieve my jacket. I picked up the clothing and opened the door. "Wait! (Name)!" Turning around, I saw a flustered Canadian standing there. "Is i-i-it okay if i w-walk you h-home?" "Sure Matthew!" That took me by surprise. Matthew hadn't done that in a while. We both walked outside and he closed the door. I started on the walk  home, which wasn't too long. It was a quiet walk. I took a quick glance over at Mattie and saw a small, pink blush on his cheeks. He had his hands in his hoodie's pockets. Finally, my home came into view. I walked up to the door and unlocked it. I turned back around to face Mattie. "Thanks for walking with me!" A smile made its way onto my face. He blushed and replied, "N-No p-p-problem." I thought about my next actions carefully, and then finally leaned forward and pecked Mattie on the cheek. Turning around, I walked inside and closed the door behind me.

~Matthew's p.o.v.~

             She...She just...She just kissed me! My heart was beating rapidly. I put my hand on my cheek and felt her lips on them. I smiled and walked home. I opened the door and saw my brother Alfred standing there. "So? Did you tell her?" I walked straight past him and up to my room still smiling like an idiot. "YO! Mattie!! DID YOU?!" "You bloody git! SHUT UP!" "I'm gonna be a country!" "NO YOU WON'T!" I ignored my family's arguing and closed my door. I fell onto my bed and Kumajimbob crawled onto my stomach. "Who are you?" "I'm Matthew." I said smiling.

~Reader's p.o.v.~

The next morning, I took a quick shower, changed into some jeans and a t-shirt, and walked to Arthur's house. I had some questions that needed answering. I knocked on the door and Arthur appeared behind it. "Hello love. What brings you at this hour?" "Hey Arthur! I needed to talk to you about something." "About what?" "Mattie..."  "Ah yes. Please, come in." He opened the door wider so that I could come in. As soon as I was in, he closed the door and brought me to the living room. "Would you like some tea or scones?" "No, no, i'm fine!" I knew how bad his scones were but I would never tell him this of course. He sat down across from me and put his hands in his lap. "So, what about Matthew?" "Has he been feeling ok lately? He has been acting weird around me." "Okay... He came home smiling like a berk." "Hm... Well, he has been distancing himself from me, and he's been stuttering a lot. I don't know what's going on." "Maybe you should talk to him. He's in his room." I mouthed a thank you to the Brit and walked upstairs. I walked to the door with a Canadian flag on it. I knocked on the door and waited for a response. The Canadian opened the door and blushed when he noticed me standing there. "H-Hi (name)." "Hi Matthew. Will you let me in?" "Of course!" He stepped aside and let me in. I sat down on the desk chair and Kumajirou crawled over, wanting to be picked up. I picked him up and placed him on my lap. Matthew came over and sat on his bed. "Is something wrong (name)?" "I should be asking you the same thing." "Wait, what?" "You've been acting weird lately." "What do you mean?" "Matthew, you were stuttering, and wouldn't look me in the eye. You barely talk to me anymore. When I am around, you act as if we aren't in the same room! I think I have a reason to worry!" "I didn't even realize that. I'm sorry." "Matthew, I've known you for a long time and I can tell when you're lying, and right now is one of those times! Tell me the truth!" Matthew was caught off guard by my yelling. I had tears coming down my cheeks. When had I started crying?  I guess I just really wanted to know what was going on. I was starting to think it was something I did. I was just so fed up that I had finally exploded. Matthew reached out a hand to wipe my tears, but I smacked his hand away. "It's me, isn't it?!" "No, (name)! It isn't you! Why would you think that?" "Oh, I don't know. My best friend rarely ever talks to me anymore." "(Name), I-" "Save it Matthew!" I got up, dropping Kumajirou in the process. I stormed out of his room and quickly went downstairs. "Love? Are you ok?" "I'm fine!" I unintentionally yelled back, while wiping the tears from my eyes with my arm. I opened the front door and slammed it shut behind myself. I started running, no destination in mind. I didn't hear the distant yelling of my name behind me.  I ended up at the park. I walked over to a bench and plopped down onto it. I hid my face in my hands and sobbed. 'He didn't care how I felt. He didn't care about anything.' All of a sudden, I felt a pair of strong arms gently bring me into a hug. I looked up slowly and saw Matthew. I was going to say something, but decided to keep quiet. I just sobbed into his chest. "It's okay. You're okay." His soothing voice finally lulled me to sleep.

~Matthew's p.o.v.~

             (Name) had come to see me. She kept saying I didn't talk to her anymore. She was right. I loved her! I didn't know how to act around her. I became a stuttering mess when she talked to me! I thought the right thing to do would be to distance myself. And then when she slapped my hand away, I felt so bad. I didn't know I was hurting her.

              She stormed out of my room crying and I just sat there, shocked. I then heard the door slam and ran after her. I finally found her on a park bench crying. I ran over and brought her into a tight hug. She looked at me with those beautiful eyes. They still looked beautiful even though they were red and puffy. I didn't know what else to say so I just tried to calm her down. 

Apparently, it worked. 

             Her breathing slowed and I looked down at her. She was asleep. I picked her up bridal style and started walking her home. She nuzzled her head into my chest and I could feel my cheeks go warm. I finally got to her home and walked up to the door. I carefully held onto her with one arm and pulled out my spare key to her place. I unlocked the door and gently kicked it open with my foot. I closed the door and then brought her upstairs to her room. I kicked that door open and laid her down on her bed. 

             I looked at her calm face. I moved some of her (hair color) hair out of her face and smiled. I cupped her cheek with my hand and admired her peaceful look. Her eyes fluttered open and I felt her cheek get warm. "M-Mattie?" "I-I-I... It's not what it looks like!" I removed my hand and looked down at the floor blushing. She giggled at my cuteness. Oh how I loved her laugh... and her smile... and her hair... I loved everything about her. 

             "Matthew? Matthew look at me." I looked up at her. She saw my blushing face and smiled. "Look, (name), I'm sorry... about everything... I just didn't know how to tell you that... that..." "Yes Mattie?" "Iloveyou(name)!" She looked at me with a confused look. "What? I didn't understand a word you just said. Slow down." 

"I said... I said... Oh maple!" 

I brought my face down to hers and put my lips on her soft ones.

~Reader's p.o.v.~

             I felt his warm lips upon my own. Matthew Williams, my best friend, since like, forever was kissing me. He pulled away and looked down again. "I shouldn't h-have d-d-done that. I'm sorr-" I cut him off by putting my lips onto his. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes, smiling. "Je t'aime (name). Toujours." "I love you too Mattie!" I smiled wider and then brought him down into another sweet kiss.

~Extended Ending~

             You and Mattie were currently at the park, on the swings, talking to each other. "Hey (name)?" "Yes Mattie?" "Remember that song my brothers and I sang for you?" "Yes. What about it?" "I wrote it for you." "AWWWWWW~ YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!" You glomped him and gave his warm cheeks kisses all over.

 YAY! Canada's ending! So, This is my first time writing for Canada so if he seems OOC, Sorry ^J^. This is the longest story I have written so, YAY!!!! Hope you enjoyed this! The last two endings should be up soon. I'm still writing them. Goodbye Canada lovers!!! Baii Baii, Da? ^J^

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