Chapter 2: I'm an idiot!

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Magnus let his phone fall down on the bed. He was frustrated, because Alec had just ignored his fifth call. He didn't know what to make out of this sudden change of behavior. Sure there was the thing that Camille had done, that bloodsucking demon had to come and ruin the tiny bit of happiness Magnus had with Alec so far. Despite her efforts, Magnus was hoping that Alec wasn't going to let that come between them. Apparently he was wrong.

"Alexander... why do you have to make things so difficult?" he mumbled to himself as he walked down from his bedroom to get a drink.

As he poured himself a bubbly orange one he was wondering if he should go to the Institute and speak to Alec personally. He didn't want to be too pushy – might be too late for that – but with every second spent without talking to Alec, Magnus felt like his chance at happiness was slipping through his fingers. And he was not ready to lose the hope that kiss ignited in him.

That kiss was better than any kind of magic. It was better than anything he could have hoped for. Magnus was very relieved and happy to watch Alec step down from the alter. But he never would have imagined what he'd do next. Alec kissing him was as shocking to him as it was.... well. Only the best thing that had happened to him in a whole century. It was a perfect moment when nothing else mattered. The memory of Alec's soft lips pressed against his, the warmth of his mouth, the touch of Alec's skin on his, the way he grabbed him, the hunger which guided Alec, hunger for something that could save him, and the sparks of joy it sent to every inch of Magnus's body... just thinking about it made Magnus breathless. And he's been spending a lot of time thinking about it lately.

With the drink in his hand he turned around just to see Ragnor Fell crash onto the black couch.

"Well, well, I must congratulate you, my friend. I knew you would go after the boy," he said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"You might be a little late, my friend," Magnus responded with bitterness. He wasn't surprised to see his old deceased friend there. Since the day he woke Jocelyn and Alec started ignoring him he'd felt very lonely. He missed his best friend and still hasn't fully recovered from losing him. He desperately needed someone to talk to, but he had no one. No one alive, anyway.

"What are you talking about? That kiss was glorious!" Ragnor yelled that last word out with such enthusiasm as if he was the one who got kissed, not Magnus.

"Yes, that kiss was indeed magnificent." Magnus walked to his friend, sat on the armchair next to him and crossed his right leg over his left.

He agreed with Ragnor's statement and held up his drink to show it. But without even taking a sip, he put it down on the center table and sighed. Ragnor looked at him confused.

"Now, tell me what happened," he demanded.

"Camille happened," Magnus responded looking defeated.

"Oh, come on! You're not letting that hag come between you and love, are you!?" Ragnor sat up straight on the couch to face Magnus.

"Well, I'm trying. Not that it's making any difference. He even called our first date off." Magnus gave Ragnor big sad eyes.

"Maybe he's frightened of Camille. That's understandable."

Magnus shook his head and said "No, that's not it." He knew no vampire could scare Alec so much to make him stop talking to him.

"Well then maybe she said something that made him have second thoughts. Did she threaten him?"

"No, all she said was that we won't last. Because of my immortality. But surely that didn't..." Magnus stopped talking out of a sudden and stared at Ragnor like he just realized he was there. He remembered his last conversation with Alec, right before he had woken Jocelyn up, and it all made sense now. "Oh, my sweet Alec. He just doesn't want me to get hurt! Because he cares for me, I know that, I felt it. And I thought he regretted this whole thing after he saw Camille kiss me. I am such an idiot, Ragnor!" Magnus jumped up on his feet.

"Well.... can't really say I disagree on that," Ragnor said with a smirk.

"I must go and see him. He can't make this decision for me." Magnus saw his friend nod in approval then walked up to his room quickly. He turned around to thank Ragnor for helping him out again, but his friend was gone.

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