Chapter 8: Risking Your Life for a Shadowhunter P1

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"Are you really going to risk your life for a Shadowhunter?" – Magnus Bane from Shadowhunters episode 1x02


Jace arrived at the Institute after driving for two and a half hours straight from Boston. He had lost his stele to Valentine, so he had to steal a car the old fashioned way. He had pushed the gas pedal all the way down and drove like a lunatic until he got there. He tried calling Izzy, but she didn't pick up and he thought it was best to share the terrible news personally.

He rushed into the Institute. He was exhausted since he hadn't slept all night, but he didn't care. He wouldn't rest until he got Alec back.

It was breakfast time, so he went straight to the kitchen hoping he'd find Isabelle there.

"Izzy!" he shouted as he entered the kitchen. But he only found Clary, Luke and Jocelyn setting the table. They all froze for a slight second and then Clary's eyes lit up seeing Jace and she ran to hug him.

"Jace!" she yelled in excitement and wrapped her arms around him.

"Clary." Jace was glad to see her, but he had to keep focused. He pushed her away and asked "Where's Izzy?"

"Jonathan..." Jocelyn spoke up with her voice shaking slightly and took a step towards him. There was an awkward moment of silence, and before she could say anything else, Jace put his hand up defensively.

"I don't have time for this," he said barely looking at Jocelyn. He really didn't want to deal with this right now.

"Wait a second." Luke stepped forward and pulled Clary away from Jace protectively. "Is this really you? How do we know this isn't just a trick from Valentine?"

Seriously!? Jace couldn't believe this.

"Of course it's me! Who the hell else would I be?" He took a deep breath. "We don't have time for this. Alec is in danger! Where is Izzy?"

"What?" Isabelle slipped into the kitchen silently. Even though it was only nine in the morning, she was already dressed up with a simple black top, black jeans and boots. Everyone turned to her.

"Jace? What's wrong with Alec?" She didn't even seem surprised about Jace's presence, but she was already afraid of the answer.

"Izzy..." Jace looked at her like the world was about to end. "Valentine has Alec."

Isabelle didn't say a word. Jace's face told her everything she needed to know, and she knew it was bad. She couldn't move. She heard a distant "Oh, my God" slip out of Clary's mouth, but she wasn't paying attention. She couldn't believe that her brother was taken by that... that monster. It was like time froze for a couple of seconds leaving her and that sentence alone in the world. Valentine has Alec.

And then Jace's voice cut through the ice. He had grabbed her arm firmly.

"Izzy!" He was almost yelling at her. "We have to go to Magnus's. Right now!"

Isabelle nodded and dragged herself out of the kitchen to follow Jace.

Ugh. Who dares to disturb my perfect, self-destructive day drinking?

Magnus closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He hated being disturbed on a quiet day with the company of fine wine and purple margaritas, and the loud banging on his door was only getting more insistent the more he ignored it.

"Open the damn door, Magnus!" someone yelled loudly.

Oh, this is wonderful. Magnus sighed and, with a glass of wine in his hand, walked to the door ready to send whoever was behind it to hell. He was wearing a simple royal blue silk shirt and black pants, with minimal make-up on. He wasn't planning on seeing people today. The only person he wanted to see was Alexander, but he had a feeling that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. So he could just as well spend the day getting drunk. Very drunk.

The banging didn't stop until the second he finally opened the door. Magnus opened his mouth, ready to deliver some harsh words when he saw who was standing in front of him. A very disturbed Isabelle and an equally anxious Jace.

Magnus looked at Jace not believing his eyes.

"You..." he started, but was too confused to say the rest of the sentence out loud. You are not supposed to be here, he thought, and as he took a look at Isabelle, he knew something was wrong.

"Yes, me," Jace said annoyed as he let himself into Magnus's loft. Magnus followed him still confused with a creeping sense of anxiety. Isabelle joined them without a word.

"I have bad news," Jace started, his voice hoarse, eyes desperate. Magnus didn't know him that well, but seeing him talk like that, sent waves of fear up Magnus's spine. "Valentine has Alec. He injected him with demon blood."

The glass of wine crashed and broke on the floor as Magnus felt his limbs go numb. His eyes went wide open and he stopped breathing. He knew demon blood was lethal to shadowhunters – it killed them instantly. This couldn't be happening. Not with his Alexander, not after how they parted... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"He's not dead. It was some sort of a diluted version," Jace continued and Magnus felt a tiny drop of relief, but that wasn't enough for him. He looked at Jace with such despair... he needed to know more. Tell me he's okay. Tell me he's okay. Tell me he's okay, he begged silently.

"But he's dying. And Valentine won't give him the antidote unless you go to him," Jace finished.

Magnus couldn't move; he was paralyzed by fear. How could someone do something so horrible to his sweet Alexander? How could anyone hurt him? But of course, this wasn't anyone; this was Valentine with all his hatred, cruelty, madness and his complete lack of empathy.

Magnus wasn't looking at Jace anymore. He was staring into nothing as he felt rage take over him like it hadn't for many years. The mixture of dread, panic and fury was so suffocating that he was shaking and sending off blue and yellow magic sparks from the tip of his fingers.

"Magnus." Jace grabbed his arm to pull him back. The sparking stopped as Magnus focused on Jace's worried face again. "He wants to kill you."

That is the least of my worries, Magnus thought and shook Jace's hand off his arm.

He pointed his index and middle fingers at Jace as he whispered, "I need a minute." And he walked back to his room. He wanted to be out of the shadowhunters' sight. He needed to think. He pressed his back against the wall where nobody could see him and tried to catch his breath. He tried to keep it together, but thinking about a dying Alec only made his legs weaken and he found himself on the floor.

So this is how it's going to end. After all these centuries just crawling through life, waiting for something significant to happen, and when it finally did happen, when I finally found true love, it's all just going to end.

There was no chance Magnus was going to let Alec die. Nothing was more precious to him than Alec's life. He would give up his own life for him without thinking.

But that wouldn't be fair to Alec. He would spend the rest of his life blaming himself for his death, Magnus knew that. Alec cared too much about the ones around him and not enough about himself. And Magnus didn't want to be the cause of Alec's life-long misery.

No, Valentine was not going to win this fight. Magnus was determined not to give him what he wanted. He was going to rescue Alec. He was going to bring him home. And he was going to make Valentine regret he ever crossed him.

With thoughts of vengeance and determination, Magnus got up and prepared for battle.

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