Chapter 1: A Kidnapping Over Seas

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Darkness. That was all Lloyd could see from any direction he looked. Something was obstructing his view; that was for sure. His breath felt abnormally close to him as well. Something was over his head. And his hands were constricted behind his back. Heavy rusty metal chains would jingle together making an unbearable noise every time Lloyd would move his hands. These observations lead to the conclusion that he was captive. By who was anyone's guess.

The earth swayed beneath Lloyd's legs as the boy sat cramped on hard wooden ground. The sound of waves reached his ears along with other sounds: voices. Snickering, jeering. Suddenly a rush of wind swept over Lloyd's face as whatever was over his head was forcefully removed. Blinding sunlight replaced the murky darkness that Lloyd's vision had been in. He blinked his gold-green eyes trying to have them adjust to the sudden change in lighting.

As his eyes adjusted, many silhouettes came into view looming over him. It suddenly dawned on him what had happened to him. Pirates. He'd been kidnapped by pirates. Lloyd looked around frantically at his surroundings. Sure enough, he was on a ship. The salty smell of the ocean reached his nose. They were out on the sea, far from land.

"Well, look who's finally awake," a man's voice jerked Lloyd's attention away from his thoughts and back into reality.

A burly pirate with dark hair was leaning over him. A bandana was wrapped around his head. His hazel eyes shone with a glimmer of mischief. "Did you have a nice beauty rest?" The pirate commented making the others crowded around laugh.

He then turned to a pale man with icy blue eyes, "Go tell the captain that our prisoner is awake."

The pale pirate nodded and walked away. His boots making dull thuds on the wooden ship. The black haired man then turned his attention back to Lloyd and raised an eyebrow.

Lloyd's heart pounded in his chest. The blonde boy opened and closed his mouth lost for words. How did he get here? What did these pirates want with him?

"Why am I here?" He finally managed.

"Save all your yammering for the captain. He'll answer your questions." The pirate responded, "If you're lucky that is." He added with a mischievous twinkle in his hazel eyes and a smirk to match it.

A moment later the crowd of pirates parted letting way for a short man with a elaborate blue cloak walked through. His cloak was accented by gold trim with a matching hat that concealed most of his auburn hair. A single red plume stuck out from the brim of his hat. The man stopped in front of Lloyd. He had a single electric blue eye whilst the other was concealed by an eyepatch on his right side. This gaze moved from Lloyd to the burly man next to him.

"Are you certain he's the one?" The pirate captain asked.

"He has to be. He's the only man left from our raid of the Governor's place back on Ninjago. If he's not the one then that's one more man to swim with the sharks." The black haired man shrugged.

The pirate captain looked back over to Lloyd with a smile. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see then. This is the only lead we have left. So, we have to start somewhere."

"Excuse me," Lloyd finally mustered up the courage to speak again, "but do you mind telling me what's going on here? Why do you need me?"

"Ah, my apologizes." The pirate captain said, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Captain Jay Walker, the most feared pirate who ever sailed the seven seas!"

"Oh really?" Lloyd raised a blonde eyebrow, gaining a cocky attitude, "Then why haven't I ever heard of you before?"

Jay frowned, "How couldn't you have heard of me?"

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