A stranger in the shadow

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Okay so here goes another chapter of my first TAN fanfic.. it will start with the strangers (Joriah4life already knows who he is) and it will talk about Emmy... sorry but I think the title needed this!
If any had a question on this picture I took it before a storm before I moved from Iowa.. no effects needed!
And enjoy and give feedback!

(Strangers POV)
As I got in my car I watched the little girl run down the hill. I turned and she was out of site. I wondered who she was. She I helped her up I saw a tatto. It had a tree on it and thought she was a little young but I also did not think she was apart of a gang. I hope and pray to God that I may see her again and help her cause I saw pain in her eye. When I arrived home my wife and my daughters rushed out to me.
"Hey you seem a little out of it. You okay?" My wife asked.
"Met a girl, no older than twelve. She collapsed at the dump, when I asked her if she walked here but she said that she would get in trouble and I tried to give her a ride and she ran... I saw that she had a tattoo but she seemed two young..."  I told her.
"She may just be scared of strangers." My wife told me.
"Your probably right." I told her and I then had to check on my second child who came home from school early since she puked.
(Emmys POV) (7 am)
I woke up earlier than normal so I can get my chores done.
I woke the girls up at 7:45 so we could leave at 8:30.
Kira, Kati and I were going to sunnyEve riding stables and we rode horses. Three other girls went to art class and then 4 others went to martial arts class. The three teens went on a shopping trip to get clothes for the leaders and other kids.
At the stables I rode a beautiful paint and Arabian breed mix. The coat color was black and white but the temperament matched an Arabian.
Kati rode a paint pony and Kira had a special white quarter horse that obeyed special ques since Kira only had 1 working leg.
My horses name was Khan (any Disney freaks out there?) Kati's horse was called Eve and Kira's horse's name was stitch.
We rode for two hours and even learned how to jump. We headed back to the house and did our afternoon school and chores.
And as I heard Kira listing to a song by some band named Tenth Avenue North and this singer was singing a song named Struggle.
I suddenly remembered the strange man she ran in to.
Her question is.. who is he? Why did she still remember him.

Well.... I think that went well..
concert is coming soon! Who should be on the concert.. I have TAN and FK@C but should I add more??

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