Wrong Side of the Wrong Bed

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-Normal POV-

Blake woke up earlier than usual, it was still dark outside and it didn't seem like anything woke him up from his sleep. He sat up from his bed and rubbed his eyes, something had woken him up and he needed to find out what. It couldn't have been the animals since he was used to the sound of nature. No, it was a foreign sound, one that stood out from the others. He started to get out of bed, but something was wrong with the bed sheets. They didn't fold over the bed like they usually do, and he didn't remember tossing in his sleep before. When he looked o the other side of the bed, that's when he saw it, or rather... her...

-Blake's POV-

I looked over to my left to see what was causing the sheets to stop, and that's when I saw it, or rather, her. Emelia was laying on top of the sheets right next to me. I was frozen, I didn't know what to do, how did she get in here and why? I slowly and carefully got out of the bed and walked into her bedroom to see if anything was wrong. There sure was a problem, it was freezing cold in here. I looked up and saw where the problem was coming from, the window was wide open and cold air was rushing into the room. I don't have an air conditioning or heating system, so I couldn't just close it and warm up the room for her. She was going to have to either sleep in my room with me, or on the couch. I instantly dismissed the idea of the couch, she was injured and needed proper rest. However, the thought of sleeping in the same bed with her sent chills up my spine. I was either going to have to sleep on the couch, or sleep with her. I made my choice and decided to let her properly rest. Even though the bed is a queen size, it would still be better if she had room to move around. I grabbed an extra blanket from the closet and a pillow and laid on the living room couch. The leather was cold, but it felt nice since my body heated up from earlier. And no it wasn't because of her! I was just hot because my body was adjusting to the cold! Anyways, I laid on my back and drifted to sleep. I was almost afraid to fall asleep in case I had some weird dream about her, but I shrugged it off and fell asleep anyways.

*3 hours later... (3 a.m.)*

-Emelia's POV-

I was sitting on the cliff that I usually jump off of, but this time I made no attempt. There was somebody holding me back, hugging me and cooing in my ear. Telling me that everything was going to be alright. But then, they walked away, and for what felt like forever, I was crying and weeping. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in yet another unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. Panic swept through me and I began crying again, only this time I cried silently so nobody could here me. I attempted to sit up and it took a lot of effort, but I eventually managed it. I looked around realized I was in Blake's room, what was I doing in here. Where was Blake, I needed to know if something happened. I walked into my room and noticed it was really cold, maybe he brought me in there since he has no heating. But then why would he just up and disappear? I walked into the living room and saw him lying on the couch, his bare chest rising and falling in a slow and steady pattern. I blushed at the sight of it, remembering those same muscular abs and chest I felt under his hoodie. However, it was the look on his face that really took me by surprise. When he was asleep at lunch, he scowled and looked as if he was always in a bad mood. But this time, his face was so peaceful, it was like a mixture and a child and a handsome prince in one feature. If he would look like that more, he'd be hotter than Ian or any guy I see in magazines. I didn't want to go back into his room, it was dark, and had a chilling and lonely feeling to it. I had an idea, but it was making me blush like crazy. I finally took a deep breath and walked over to him. There was only one blanket, and there wasn't room for two people. I lifted up the blanket and laid on top of him, my chest to his. My face was right in front of his, and many thoughts ran through my mind, very few of them were innocent thoughts. I scooted back and lid my head on his chest, since he was taller than I was. His chest steadily rose my head up and down to the rhythm of his breathing. However, it was the rhythm of his heart that interested me. His heartbeat sounded familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. That's when it hit me. His heartbeat steadily rose to match mine, they were beating at the same time. This made me more anxious and my heart raced, and so did his. I eventually calmed myself down before we both ended up having a heart attack. Why was his heart beating at the same pace as mine? I thought about it, but I was slowly drifting to sleep. I laid my head back onto his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

*In the morning... (6 a.m.)

-Blake's POV-

I heard my alarm clock going off in my room, but my eyes were still closed. I was half asleep at this point and didn't feel like getting up. I felt something of top of me, and I attempted to open my eyes to look. But I was so tired, I decided to just figure out what it was using my hands. Again, I was half asleep at this point, I might as well have been drunk. I placed my hands on the front of the object and felt something like hair, though I wasn't sure, so I continued on. I moved my hands around it and realized this was something big. I moved my hands down until I got to something round. It was almost perfectly round, I said to myself "Man if this was a woman, she would have the sexiest ass I've ever seen"

That's when I felt it tense up, and I opened my eyes to absolute horror. Emelia was sitting on top of me, wide awake and her face the color of  a tomato. Shit...

-Emelia's POV-

I woke up feeling something running along my head. I instantly thought there was a mouse or something in it, so I opened my eyes and was about to scream when I saw Blake's arm in front of my face. He was rubbing my head, and the strange thing was, I was enjoying it. That was until he got touchy, he moved his hands down my neck and my spine. I felt my cheeks burning and was internally screaming. Then, he rubbed his hands all over my butt! I was about ready to slap him, but he was mumbling something

Blake: Man, if this was a woman, she would have the sexiest ass I've ever seen.

That's when I absolutely froze and I think he noticed it, because he stopped moving his hand and opened his eyes. I thought his eyes couldn't get any bigger, he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

Blake: H...how long have you been there...

Emelia: ...

Blake: Please tell me you did not hear what I said...

Emelia: ...

Blake: Look, whatever I said I didn't mean it, I was half asleep and...

I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted my lips onto his. I felt him attempt to recoil, but strangely, he kissed back. It was so amazing, I had never felt anything like this in my entire life. It wasn't a lustful kiss, but it had some push behind it like one. Finally, after about 30 seconds of heaven, we parted and looked each other in the eyes. He was blushing, but it didn't last long, he got up from the bed and washed his lips off in the kitchen sink. He looked like he was going to cry, I don't know what caused him to be so upset. He told me to get dressed and meet him outside near the porch. I did as I was told and walked outside, I saw him sitting on the hood of his car on the verge of tears. He looked at me and wiped them away and told me to get in the car. He owned a black 2018 Hellcat Challenger and it looked armored. I climbed inside and we drove into the city, we didn't speak to each other. I was too embarrassed, I don't know why I kissed him all of the sudden. But I obviously hurt him in some way. He stopped in front of Ian mansion and told me to ring the bell and tell him that Blake needed him to take care of me from now on. I was furious at this point and slammed the door. He drove away and I bursted into tears.

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