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Simon's pov
I shot up of my bed shaking. It's back again and the screaming is louder. I covered my ears because I could still feel it in my head. This dream always is worst and worst. I shook my head multiple times trying to forget the screaming.

The screaming slowly started going away since I was awake. I ran to my computer again, that doctor idea would be very smart right now.

I went on a website and found a therapist and a doctor that specialize in dreams. I took an appointment for both of them. I'm ready to find out what's wrong with me.


After a while, I showed up at my doctor first. It said he was professional and he knew what he was doing, at least I think it's a he.

I walked into the office and it was a girl with a notepad. She was beautiful."Hello sir," She greeted me with shaking my hand which I did back,"i am guessing you're Simon." She said and I nodded smiling.

"Have a seat!" She pulled up a bed,"I'll be right with you in a second." She walked over to her desk and typed a bunch of stuff up on her computer. She grabbed her notepad and walked over to me writing some stuff down.

She sat down next to bed and smiled at me."Okay go ahead and tell me everything." She simply said and popped her pen. I was a little nervous. Should I really tell everything to someone? I breathed in a little and sat up a little.

"So basically," I sighed tearing up,"for the past 9 months I have been having this dream once a month." I looked over at her writing stuff down.

"In this dream, A girl is screaming like crazy," she put down her notepad and the pen looking at me with a little wide eyes.

"I see the back of her running and I try to follow it. It's normally on the street." She was know a little more focused and more than I thought. I started feeling a little better talking to someone about it.

"I could never reach the end of the street to see they girl or why she's screaming." I shrugged slightly now fuddling with my fingers.

"I normally wake up and there's a little screaming still but then it calms down."

"It scares me everyday and it pains my ears."

"It hits me every month, I'm scared to sleep now. It might come and scream."

"Was it a girl that was screaming?" The doctor asked me looking straight into my eyes.

"Yes and her scream aches my heart." I closed my eyes. A tiny tear slipped out but I wiped it away before she saw.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She looked at me like she was looking right through me.


"Do you love her?" She picked up the notepad again. She was a fast writer and her eyes kept making me feel weird.

"I don't know, I think I do."

"Why don't you know?" Her eyebrows made her look like she was about to punch me.

"Because she calls me crazy and because I spend all my money on her, plus I was sure I loved her at the start. Now I just feel a little more distant."

"Have you thought about breaking up?" Is this girl trying to get in my pants? I don't mind but still why she asking so many questions ffs

" yes but I can't break her heart." I looked down again because I didn't want to be judged.

"I get it Simon." She put her hand on my shoulder. It felt amazing to tell someone everything with them judging me or calling me crazy.

"Simon id love to know what you have," I looked at her confused," I have concluded everything and I still can't figure out what it is." She said and I nodded.

"It's nothing that I can figure out. I'm going to try every when you leave," I breathed like a pig by now,"you're very interesting Simon."

"Thank you ma'am" I nodded at her and she laughed a little which made me smile a genuine smile.

I am still confused

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I am still confused

I love this story omg
I enjoy writing this ffs

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