Chapter Seven: The Book

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Lisa was walking along the corridors alone. Namjoon went to class first while Jennie, Hoseok and Yoongi were coming in late since they were busy planning something evil that they would be doing for the day. Lisa wasn't in the mood to join them and it made her wonder why. Among their group of friends, she was the trickster and prankster, so she couldn't help but get confused as to what had changed her.


Lisa found herself staring to the girl sitting on the ground, massaging her hurt butt. Lisa remebered seeing the girl from her class. She recalled her name being Lee Hayi, the daughter of Fairy Godmother. To what Lisa have heard, the school has them too, the nerdy students and Hayi together with Lee Suhyun and Lee Chanhyuk, children of Merida, were part of that group and to Lisa's utter disgust, even if they were their own people, they were still treating them as outcasts.

"I'm so sorry." Lisa quickly apologized, offering her hand to help.

"You—" Hayi was frozen when she looked up and saw Lisa. "I'm so sorry! Please don't hurt me!" Hayi quickly stood up, bowing her head in fear. "I swear, I didn't mean to—"

"Hayi-ah!" They both looked to where the voice came and saw Suhyun with her brother, Chanhyuk.

"Oh my gosh! It's one of them!" Chanhyuk whispered but Lisa heard him.

"Suhyun, Chanhyuk!" Hayi quickly ran towards her friends, leaving Lisa alone in the corridors.

"Wait! You forgot something!" Lisa called out but the three friends were already out from her sight. "Jeez. Am i really that scary?" Lisa could only say, looking sad. "Aishh! Snap out of it, Lisa! You're Lalisa! Daughter of Cruella Dev'ill!"

Lisa shook her head to make herself back to normal. She then took the book that Hayi had dropped earlier. She eyed it with curiousity and thought of returning it back when Jennie suddenly appeared.

"Hey! What's up?"

"God, Jennie! Don't jump on me like that!" Lisa nagged.

"Pfft." Jennie could only giggle. "What's that?" Jennie snatched the book from Lisa's hold.

"It's some kind of book. Hayi dropped it awhile ago." Lisa answered. "I guess I'll just have to return it to her later in class." Lisa added and reached for the book again but Jennie slapped her hand away. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"NO WAY! No freaking way that you'll return this book, Lisa!" Jennie beamed, smiling so widely.

"Why? What is it?" Lisa asked curiously.

"It's a Magic Spell Book!" Jennie whispered excitedly.


"Taehyung!" Jisoo cheered when Taehyung came inside their classroom. "You're back!" And Jisoo ran towards him and caught him off guard by her sudden embrace. "I'm glad you're back, Tae." Jisoo whispered.

"Yeah, it's good to be back." Taehyung replied, smiling and hugging her back.

"You're on the way."

Jisoo flinched and immediately broke from the embrace when she heard that cold voice. Both she and Taehyung looked to their side and saw Yoongi with Hoseok standing by the door, glaring towards them.

"Sorry." Jisoo finally answered after the awkward silence and went to move out from the way but Taehyung stay rooted on his spot, glaring back at Yoongi. "Tae, please." Jisoo went to reach for taehyung's arm, clutching it.

The gesture didn't escape Yoongi's eyes and it made him more pissed. Taehyung on the other hand looked back towards Jisoo, only to find her shaking her head. Taehyung glared back at Yoongi once again before stepping away from him finally. After what had happened days ago, Taehyung decided to keep himself more in control for the sake of his friends, family and most importantly, for Jisoo.

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