Chapter Fourteen: Welcome to the Isle of the Lost

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Just before Jisoo's kidnapping:

"Captain! I see her. She's at the Hospital." Jaebum reported, his hands were clutching the telescope he used.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Captain Hook smirked. "Let's go and get her." He declared and all his crew made a battle cry and took their own weapons with them.

Jisoo, Jungkook, Chaeyoung and Jimin were now getting ready to infiltrate the Isle, but they suddenly got startled when the warning bell was heard all through out the kingdom. The warning bell was supposed to be ringing only when there is an attack that's coming for them.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chaeyoung went rigid in worry.

"We're under attack." Jungkook answered for her. "We have to go. Now."

"Guys?" Jimin interjected. "Err.. is that supposed to be flying above us?" Jimin then pointed the flying ship that was floating above them. "Are they—"

"Pirates!" Jungkook exclaimed, seeing pirates coming down from ropes. "Come on!"

Jungkook immediately grab Jisoo with him while Jimin did the same with Chaeyoung. They started running away but they were completely surrounded. The two boys quickly hid the girls behind them while the girls were oblivious. Chaeyoung was shaking literally but Jisoo has her eyes widen in curiousity, seeing pirates for the first time.

"Hey, you're not fake are you?" Jisoo asked the nearest pirate, Youngjae to which he just shrugged.

"Ya, Kim Jisoo." Jimin nagged. "Seriously?"

"What? I was just curious!" Jisoo defended, pouting.

"If you're that curious, you can just go with us princess." Mark Tuan smirked.

"Not a chance." Jungkook intervened, pulling Jisoo closer to him.

"Well, too bad." Jinyoung took a careful step towards them. "Because you like it or not, she will have to go with us." Jinyoung finished and looked straightly at Jisoo.

"Who? Me?" Jisoo pointed her finger to her face. "Why? Are you recruiting girls now?"

"Just shut up, Jisoo!" Chaeyoung huffed, feeling more nervous.

"What do you want with Jisoo?" Jimin asked and he silently cursed since there's still no sign for their backup.

"None of your business." Jackson hissed.

"Guys! We need to hurry! Kuma can smell that the guards are on their way." Bambam informed. "Good doggy." Bambam patted his dog who kept on barking towards the still unseen guards.

"Get her." Jaebum ordered and Yugeom was the first one to move.

Jungkook was fast, he grabbed Yugyeom by his extended arm and pulled him hard and kick his right foot, making him stumble. Jackson was furious and went for Jungkook while both Jinyoung and Younjae went to face Jimin. Youngjae was about to hit Jimin and Chaeyoung with his bat but Jimin pushed his self and Chaeyoung to the side, making Youngjae hit Jinyoung instead.

"Hide somewhere safe." Jimin told Chaeyoung. "Bring Jisoo with you."

"But—" Chaeyoung was about to protest but got cut off when someone had grabbed her from the back. "Ahhh!"

"Chaeyoung!" Jisoo screamed.

Mark has Chaeyoung by her neck, choking her at the same time. Chaeyoung was crying now while Jisoo, Jungkook and Jimin has remeined immobile and were completely surrounded.

"Give us Jisoo." Jaebum demanded but the three remained silent and unmoving.

"Or I'll snap her neck." Mark warned and he tightened his grip on her throat.

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