Welcome to Hawthorn School of the Arts! We're so excited to have you, but will you make it on top? We only take the best of the best. You're level of expertise put you here, now will you go all the way?
Sasha Spencer
Headmistress of Hawthorn S...
Name: Emmalia Richardson Nickname: Emma Age: 15 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Looks: Sierra Boggess as Christine Daae in Phantom of the Opera (yes I'm obsessed)
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Personality: Emma is a very kind and sweet girl, who's very shy as well. Ironically though she can perform in front of a large crowd. She typically isn't sassy, but can be if she wants to. She usually doesn't though, but can typically be sassy towards her older brother. Crush: Open Talent: Singer and a Dancer, but also acts as well, though not her strongest suit Backstory: Emma comes from a background where she's always trying to please her parents. She's always been compared to her older brother, Lucas, from academics and talent. Emma doesn't want to disappoint them and she feels this school is the way to do it. You can typically find her dancing in the dance studio outside of rehearsal as well as singing in one of the practice rooms. Password: POTO, LND, Wicked, and Tanz der Vampire